I went to the Jewish Community Day School in Watertown to speak about EyeWire during the middle school STEM day. Presenting is always difficult for me but this day was fun nonetheless. The kids were super psyched on science and this has provided me with an opportunity to directly chat with some teachers who know more …
Human Neuropsychology, Weeks 3 & 4
Today is the start of Block 6, which means I actually finished up with Human Neuropsychology last Wednesday when Block 5 ended. BUT, I wanted to be sure I didn’t leave my story unfinished. The last week of Block 5 was hectic and busy, but of course filled with amazing experiences. Here are the highlights: …
Just kidding I have work tomorrow. Let's see where I left off... Well there has been another snowstorm so that's another 1.5 feet on Boston. I didn't work Tuesday because the MBTA stopped service. Every transportation method, even walking, was non-functional. When I have been in the office, I have experienced Google Hangouts(video calls) non-stop. …
The Effect of Snow on Nina
ABSTRACT In the following experiment 26 inches of snow were dumped on Boston and we measured the amount of time it took for Nina to get to work with low functioning public transport. The following week we dumped 14 inches on Boston to check for a significant difference in travel time. In the second trial the …
Human Neuropsychology, Week 2
Imagine what it would be like to unknowingly ignore half of your world. Your vision is intact, but you have a severe a lack of attention directed towards an entire half of what you experience, almost as if you don’t actually see it, but you CAN. You can sense it, you just don’t attend to …
Monday Thru Friday Nina-Five
Recount of my first day in the office: I'm sitting in South Station, the Grand Central of Boston, rightly lacking "grand" in its title. This is the train station nearest to my internship. Knowing myself as a chronic late arriver, I woke up 2.5 hours before I had to arrive, and I was able to …
Human Neuropsychology, Week 1
Happy block five, everyone! Actually, happy start of fifth block's second week. First week flew by, as usual. My name is Jordyn for any of you who may not know me. I am a senior neuroscience major, biochemistry minor. I'm currently taking Human Neuropsychology, a 400-level senior seminar course with professor Kristi Erdal. The class …
The Search to Avoid Research
Where to start? What do I like to do? I like neuroscience, it would be cool to leave the country. Neuroscience job abroad, now that's a lofty goal. Ok what else? The prison system fascinates me, though I have no background in that. I like to rock climb- what if I worked in rope access? …
The Flashback Post
Hi guys! This is my first blog post ever. I am Nina, a Colorado College undergraduate studying Neuroscience for those of you who do not know me. I will be maintaining this blog as I see fit for the next many months. I will make my first post about how I came to be where …
We All Hate Helens, We Hate All Helens
Last night we read Margaret Atwood's The Penelopiad, an interpretation of the life of Odysseus' wife, Penelope, and of the twelve maids that are hung after the slaughter of the suitors. Atwood asks in her introduction, "What led to the hanging of the maids, and what was Penelope really up to?" In class, we drew connections …