The Effect of Snow on Nina

ABSTRACT In the following experiment 26 inches of snow were dumped on Boston and we measured the amount of time it took for Nina to get to work with low functioning public transport. The following week we dumped 14 inches on Boston to check for a significant difference in travel time. In the second trial the …

Human Neuropsychology, Week 1

Happy block five, everyone! Actually, happy start of fifth block's second week. First week flew by, as usual. My name is Jordyn for any of you who may not know me. I am a senior neuroscience major, biochemistry minor. I'm currently taking Human Neuropsychology, a 400-level senior seminar course with professor Kristi Erdal. The class …

We All Hate Helens, We Hate All Helens

Last night we read Margaret Atwood's The Penelopiad, an interpretation of the life of Odysseus' wife, Penelope, and of the twelve maids that are hung after the slaughter of the suitors. Atwood asks in her introduction, "What led to the hanging of the maids, and what was Penelope really up to?" In class, we drew connections …
