Fireworks to celebrate the New Year in Yellowknife Onlookers spread out over the ice to watch the display
The Odds are Not in My Favor
I did all the research and crunched all the numbers to find the most probable yet cost and education efficient time to see the northern lights, but sometimes the odds are just not in your favor. The weather forecast for the next few days is a continuation of the last few days; cloudy. In addition, …
From dawn to dusk and beyond
Observations after two days in Yellowknife
No lights to be had up here in the Yellowknife. Though the odds and the timing should all be in my favor, as luck would have it, the weather is not. Clouds have blanketed the sky from the time I landed until tonight, and now there is just enough thinning to pick out small pockets …
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Musings on a Sleepless Flight
I am a notorious travel sleeper. Put me in a car, plane, train, or covered wagon and I am fast asleep before you can say, “are we there yet?”. This has served me extremely well in the past; sleeping through turbulence resembling a roller coaster, near death experiences while driving with my father, and sibling …
Oh the Places I’ll Go with a Venture Grant
Congratulations! Today is my day. I’m off to Canada I’m off and away! I’m off to Yellowknife, Canada in pursuit of the Aurora Borealis. I have seen it once, but once is not enough for me. I was much to young to fully appreciate the brilliance and motion of the dancing bands of light. …
Continue reading "Oh the Places I’ll Go with a Venture Grant"
Exactly one week to go!
Happy Wednesday! We've made it half way through third week. I'd have to say that this week has gone by pretty quickly so far, which is great! We have exactly one week left of the block. Next Wednesday is the last day. I can't believe how quickly this block has gone by! It feels like …
Here Comes 3rd week!
Third week, the last full week of the block is here. It usually goes by the slowest of all the weeks. I have a feeling though that this block third week might not go by as slow as some others, mainly because we still have a fair amount of lab work to finish. It snowed …
Happy Wednesday!
Well it's already half way through second week, meaning we have exactly 2 weeks left in the block now! Only 2 weeks till winter break, a long much-needed break from school. I'm really looking forward to it after taking two lab classes in a row. Lab classes really have a way of wearing you out. …
The End of the First week!
Wow I honestly can't believe it is already the end of the first week of block 4! Time flies when you're having fun in a lab class. But really this week flew by. That always seems to happen the first week after block break though. This block I am taking Bacterial Genetics and Physiology. It is an upper level elective for Biology, and …