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By the Numbers: The Class of 2019

Welcome all; we’re glad you’re here!

Issue: December 2015 • Tags:

Keller Family Gives $4 Million for Venture Grants

CC alumni Jeff Keller ’91 and David Keller ’95 announced a $4 million commitment to the Keller Family Venture Grant Program for individual student research on Thursday, Nov. 5, at CC’s Keller Family Venture Grant Forum. The announcement includes $3 million to permanently endow the program, which celebrates its 10th anniversary this year. The program…

Issue: December 2015 • Tags:

Update: Veggie Wrap To Go!

CC’s veggie van, featured in the August 2015 issue of the Bulletin, has a new look: a large, green, leafy-looking veggie decal that clearly distinguishes CC’s veggie van from any other on the road. The van graphics project and design were led by Anna Kay ’15, a sociology major, and was a collaborative effort between…

Issue: December 2015 • Tags:

Boardroom Named in Honor of Barbara Yalich ’53

The Barbara L. Yalich Class of 1953 Boardroom, located on the ground floor of the renovated Spencer Center, was dedicated at a ceremony on Sept. 9. Barbara Yalich ’53 served as an alumni trustee from 1971-73; director of alumni support from 1973-75; director of alumni affairs from 1975-85; director of development from 1985-91; and vice…

Issue: December 2015 • Tags:

Kathryn Mohrman Theatre Dedicated

More than 125 members of the Colorado College community gathered for the dedication of the Kathryn Mohrman Theatre in Armstrong Hall in early November. Mohrman served as the 11th president of Colorado College — and the first woman to hold that position — from 1993 to 2002. Speaking at the ceremony were Trustee Ryan Haygood…

Issue: December 2015 • Tags:

Letters to the Editor

Thank you for writing such a thoughtful tribute to Bob Steck, true to his activism and political engagement. I will always be grateful for our time spent with him in the classroom – what a wonderful professor and friend. A true champion of philosophy and liberal arts education, he also made the best fettuccine 

Issue: December 2015 • Tags:

From the President

Dear Dear Alumni, Parents, and Friends of Colorado College, This edition of the Bulletin celebrates the contributions of our dedicated faculty. During Homecoming weekend we honored Professor Tim Fuller and Professor Owen Cramer for 50 years of service to Colorado College. Their careers embody what it means to be a teacher-scholar. They have taught and…

Issue: December 2015 • Tags:

Alumni Explore Beyond The Block

Alumni and friends venture close to home, as was the case with the Block Break Away to Ghost Ranch in Abiquiu, New Mexico,  held in August, or farther afield in the hills of Tuscany. Keep up with all event offerings, both regional and travel-study, at Mark your calendar and register for these upcoming events…

Issue: December 2015 • Tags:

Family Weekend 2015

Issue: December 2015 • Tags:

Pitch Perfect

When I drive through the CC campus I sometimes imagine going back, know-ing what I know now and doing it all again — in part for the intellectual stimulation and friendships, and in part because as an adult I have to arrange my own meals and I miss Rastall. A lot. In July, CC offered…

Issue: December 2015 • Tags: