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Posts tagged Features

High Mountain Institute

Academics + Wilderness + Intentional Community = High Mountain Institute Take one human on the cusp of childhood and adulthood. Add plenty of mountain air, surround with caring and knowledgeable adults, stir in thought-provoking academics and sweat-inducing exertion, and nurture and challenge for a few weeks to four months. Yield: One young adult confident about his/her place in the world. That’s…

Issue: April 2013 • Tags:

What Are Recent Grads Doing?

How are recent Colorado College grads faring in a challenging job market? We asked, and we found them pursuing exciting and meaningful new adventures all across the globe. A feature on our website at has recent grads telling their stories about their transition from CC to career. The webpage was created by Arielle Gross…

Issue: April 2013 • Tags:

Looking for the Untold Story

As a reporter and editor at the Forward, a national Jewish news organization, I call on my Colorado College education constantly, whether I’m seeking out a single human story in an immense tragedy like Newtown or if I’m on deadline editing a dozen stories for Forward’s annual education section. First, there are the obvious ways:…

Issue: April 2013 • Tags:

Choosing Sensitive Details in One Sandy Hook Story

Reporter Naomi Zeveloff ’06 of the Jewish Daily Forward reflects on interviewing the mother of the youngest victim in the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting and on writing a complicated portrait of grief. This piece was originally commissioned for The Dart Society, an association of journalists who cover violence and tragedy.  Nine days after her…

Issue: April 2013 • Tags:

A Year of Planning: By the numbers

Colorado College’s “Year of Planning” has come quite a long way. Quickly. Instead of offering a detailed description of each and every event that has brought us to where we are now, we’ve provided an overview of the Year of Planning based on the “numbers.” So, let’s reflect on the data that drove the Year…

Issue: April 2013 • Tags:

Blending Technology and Teaching

I was introduced to the concept of blended learning a year ago while attending a conference on next-generation learning. Blended learning is an approach to education that combines traditional classroom pedagogies with online activities and resources. In some of my courses (e.g., Sociology of Health and Medicine; Environmental Sociology; Quantitative Research Methods), students regularly work…

Issue: April 2013 • Tags:

‘New’ Sports Center Shines

Generosity of Alumnus, Foundation are key The year 1970 was a banner one for Colorado College. It introduced the innovative Block Plan, which allowed students to devote all their time to one subject every three and a half weeks. Also new that year? El Pomar Sports Center, on Cache La Poudre Street near Cascade Avenue. The…

Issue: April 2013 • Tags:

In Memoriam: Faculty

Professor Emerita Ruth Barton, November 23, in Colorado Springs, the guiding force in the early years of the Writing Center, the journalism program, Cutler Publications, and a host of other writing-related endeavors at Colorado College. She was 78. Barton, known for her love of poetry and her dedication to students, first began teaching at CC in…

Issue: December 2012 • Tags:

Homecoming and Parents Weekend a Real Success

Homecoming and Parents Weekend 2012 was a tremendous success! Attendance soared to 2,313 participants, making this Homecoming one of the largest ever at CC. More than 100 events took place over four days. Highlights of the weekend included induction of members of the Class of 1962 into the Fifty Year Club, athletic and arts events,…

Issue: December 2012 • Tags:

A New Take on College Presidential Inaugurations

When I started thinking about what I wanted my inauguration as president of Colorado College to look like, I knew a community service component was an important element. I wanted to find a way to connect the inauguration not only to the Colorado College community, but also to the larger Colorado Springs community. I also…

Issue: December 2012 • Tags: