From Sands to Mountains: A Journey at CC

My name is Mostafa Zaki-Taha, and I am currently a junior. I hail from distant Egypt.
Issue: Winter 2016 • Tags: First PersonMy name is Mostafa Zaki-Taha, and I am currently a junior. I hail from distant Egypt.
Issue: Winter 2016 • Tags: First PersonBy Abe Mamet ’17 In Colorado, incarcerated persons who are isolated in solitary confinement experience, on average, 23 months in a single cell with limited human contact. The Colorado College Prison Project, CC’s prison reform advocacy group, views this as a serious issue. We believe that solitary confinement is inhumane, unnecessary, and counterproductive. To bring…
Issue: August 2016 • Tags: First PersonJudy Kreith ’83 recounts her unique connections to Cuba and her roots at CC.
Issue: April 2016 • Tags: First PersonWhen I drive through the CC campus I sometimes imagine going back, know-ing what I know now and doing it all again — in part for the intellectual stimulation and friendships, and in part because as an adult I have to arrange my own meals and I miss Rastall. A lot. In July, CC offered…
Issue: December 2015 • Tags: First PersonConan Bliss ’92 recounts a harrowing day with his climbing party on Mt. Everest the day the Nepal earthquake struck.
Issue: August 2015 • Tags: First PersonView photographs by selected CC student photographers.
Issue: August 2015 • Tags: First PersonAlthough I thoroughly enjoyed CC, one aspect of my experience there actually led me into depression. The reason was simple; I’d been writing poetry since grade school but couldn’t get any poems accepted for the college’s literary magazine. This may seem an odd way to start a piece in praise of the college, but in…
Issue: August 2015 • Tags: First PersonThis spring, I brought to life a “Silenced Film Series” featuring and honoring films and filmmakers who have been “silenced” by government censorship, by the Hollywood establishment, or by the marginalization of their narratives in popular culture. It is a project that has, at least conceptually, been in the works for almost 10 years. Many…
Issue: April 2015 • Tags: First PersonPoint Of View: Alumnus Editor’s note: This essay originally appeared in The Denver Post in October 2014. He fell down the stairs and hit his head. The concussion cracked open the wall that, for two years, had kept in the red emotions and black memories from his deployment to Afghanistan. The young veteran’s parents and…
Issue: April 2015 • Tags: First PersonMy path to the Arctic involved several stops after I graduated from CC with a major in biology. I realized through my years of involvement with Colorado College Learning Initiative in the Mountains (CCLIM) and several education classes at CC that I was interested in pursuing education as a career. I attended a graduate program at…
Issue: December 2014 • Tags: First Person