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Posts tagged Web Extras

Giving Up on Politics is Not an Option

Politician bashing is a favorite American pastime: “Don’t vote—it only encourages them!”  “If God wanted us to vote, He would have given us candidates!”  “A politician is someone who answers every question with an open mouth!” But thank goodness Washington, Madison, Jefferson, Lincoln, the Roosevelts, Kennedy, Reagan and Obama were all masterful and professional politicians. …

Issue: August 2016 • Tags:

Letters to the Editor

Bulletin Editor: That the college administration, faculty and Bulletin editors approved publication of an article written by a dance instructor commenting on the Ferguson issue is appalling. Without any evidence, unaware of the law, and exhibiting a protest viewpoint, the author spun a web of misinformation, mistakes, and ignorance of the case. What happened to…

Issue: April 2015 • Tags: ,

Hands Up! Don’t Shoot!: Gesture, Choreography, and Protest in Ferguson, a point of view piece by Anusha Kedhar

By now, you know this phrase well. It has become the rallying cry of those protesting the killing of Michael Brown by police in Ferguson, Mo., earlier this year. Like other memorable activist slogans — “Hell no! We won’t go!” and “No justice? No peace!”— it captures the essence of collective anger in response to…

Issue: December 2014 • Tags: ,

“We Will Remember Them” Colorado College’s Wartime History

WWI bayonet drill 1919

Studying war has been a personal and professional passion of mine for many years. As a CC student, my independent minor focused on the war poetry emerging from the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. At Dartmouth College for my Master’s, I published a paper on my grandfather’s experiences in World War II, and my thesis…

Issue: December 2014 • Tags: ,

Resolved, the Twenty-second Amendment Should be Repealed

White House

Is the presidency a temporary honor, best exercised with “Lincoln-like humility?” Cronin explains why it is.

Issue: November 2013 • Tags: ,

What Others Say about Professor Wade Roberts's Class

“Quantitative Research Methods was a very challenging class, but the GIS and STATA tutorial videos helped considerably. The tutorials helped me solidify my skills and feel more confident about what I was doing. They will definitely be helpful in a couple weeks when I have to use STATA again for my thesis research!” – Kathleen…

Issue: April 2013 • Tags:

Van Skilling Honored at Homecoming 2012

Van Skilling ’55 was honored at a special ceremony at Homecoming 2012, in which many letters from past Skilling Award recipients and some of Van’s students were presented. Read the letters

Issue: December 2012 • Tags:

Ray Werner

This fall’s incoming freshmen may not know who Ray Werner is. They should, because they will certainly feel the effect he had on Colorado College and Colorado Springs during their four years here. So many former students have, on both a professional and personal level. Werner, who turned 90 recently, made his mark at the…

Issue: August 2012 • Tags:

Retiring Faculty

Bruce Kola, Lecturer in Sport Science My 38-year tenure as coordinator of sports medicine and lecturer in sport science has been a very rewarding time, allowing me to teach and to provide medical care for an incredible group of outstanding young people throughout the years. I will miss the opportunity to teach surgical anatomy and…

Issue: August 2012 • Tags:

The Community Kitchen Keeps on Cookin’ for 20 years, without a (block) break

They come by the hundreds, these people down on their luck. They arrive at Shove Memorial Chapel knowing they’ll get a hot meal and a warm welcome.

Issue: April 2012 • Tags: ,