“Hey guys test this week, pressure is on…”

Things to do while attempting to make NO and NO2 measurements during chemistry lab: 1) Take measurements from the magic so called NOx box 2) Make up air puns A selection: “Whoever says this class is easy is full of hot air” – Nico “When this class is done I’ll be on cloud 9” – Katie “Don’t …

Welcome to EV431: The Class Where We Launch A Weather Balloon

Today was day two of EV431 Air: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. The classroom for me is a familiar one for me, and I am sure for most of the other students taking this course, since most of us are Environmental Science majors and have wandered the same rooms in Tutt Science for a few years now. This …

The End of the First week!

Wow I honestly can’t believe it is already the end of the first week of block 4!  Time flies when you’re having fun in a lab class. But really this week flew by.  That always seems to happen the first week after block break though.  This block I am taking Bacterial Genetics and Physiology.  It is an upper level elective for Biology, and …
