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Bro Adams to Speak at Commencement

CC alumnus William “Bro” Adams, chair of the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), will address the Class of 2015 at this year’s Commencement ceremony on Monday, May 18. Adams, the former president of Bucknell University and Colby College, is nationally known as a strong advocate for the humanities and the liberal arts and has…

Issue: April 2015 • Tags:

State of the Rockies Project Earns Accolades in Australia

Brendan Boepple ’11, assistant director of Colorado College’s State of the Rockies Project, gave a presentation at the World Parks Congress, organized by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature in Sydney, Australia. Boepple attended the conference to represent the project, which was recognized by the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy as a “Conservation…

Issue: April 2015 • Tags:

Outdoor Education to Add Avalanche Transceiver Beacon Park

A renovation project is underway to improve facilities for the Office of Outdoor Education, which will soon open its doors at the former Children’s Center at 931 N. Nevada Ave. After an initial $250,000 contribution from an anonymous donor and additional donations from many subsequent funders, the project is scheduled to be completed in April.…

Issue: April 2015 • Tags:

History Department Grant Looks at Prisons, Punishment

The History Department is launching a new initiative aimed at exploring how the past informs current efforts to remediate urgent social concerns, and is beginning by examining criminality and correction. The new Social Issues and Historical Contexts initiative, funded by a three-year, $200,000 grant from an anonymous donor, recognizes that in recent decades, professional scholarship…

Issue: April 2015 • Tags:

Alumni Magazine Wins Awards

The April 2014 issue of the Bulletin won a bronze award in the Council for Advancement and Support of Education’s “Magazine Publishing Improvement” category for the eight-state region. “Our editors, designers, writers, and photographers worked hard to revamp the Bulletin into a piece that is brilliant, compelling, inclusive, and beautiful, like CC,” said Jane Turnis,…

Issue: April 2015 • Tags:

CC Team, Class, Reading List Make National News

Colorado College has been in the news a lot lately. Perhaps you caught the Colorado College men’s basketball team on NBC Nightly News’ “Making a Difference” segment on Dec. 18. The Tigers added 9-year-old Carter Gates, who is battling leukemia, to the team with a symbolic letter of intent at a ceremonial draft event. The…

Issue: April 2015 • Tags:

From the President

Dear Alumni, Parents, and Friends of Colorado College, With a brilliant Colorado blue sky and several inches of vividly white snow on the ground as I write this, I am struck by how deeply the Colorado College community is connected to this special place. Of course we are, given this incredible natural beauty! Combine our Rocky…

Issue: April 2015 • Tags:

Letters to the Editor

Bulletin Editor: That the college administration, faculty and Bulletin editors approved publication of an article written by a dance instructor commenting on the Ferguson issue is appalling. Without any evidence, unaware of the law, and exhibiting a protest viewpoint, the author spun a web of misinformation, mistakes, and ignorance of the case. What happened to…

Issue: April 2015 • Tags: ,

‘Aha’ Moment Leads to Film Series

This spring, I brought to life a “Silenced Film Series” featuring and honoring films and filmmakers who have been “silenced” by government censorship, by the Hollywood establishment, or by the marginalization of their narratives in popular culture. It is a project that has, at least conceptually, been in the works for almost 10 years. Many…

Issue: April 2015 • Tags:

Eavesdropping on Elephants

Working to Save Jungle Giants

Issue: April 2015 • Tags: