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Posts from the August 2015 issue

Florian Cajori Classroom Dedicated

Associate Dean Mike Siddoway cuts a ribbon at a ceremony marking the renaming of Palmer Hall Room 126 as the Florian Cajori Classroom. Cajori taught math at CC from 1889 to 1918 and was instrumental in the creation of the Mathematical Association of America, serving as one of its first presidents. More than 200 members…

Issue: August 2015 • Tags:

60 Faculty : 49 courses

Summer Courses: Sixty faculty members taught undergraduate courses this summer; 49 taught scheduled courses, of which 33 were on-campus and 16 were abroad or off-campus. There were 29 independent study courses, with nine faculty members involved while teaching another course and 11 faculty members solely involved with the independent study courses. CC had 16 faculty…

Issue: August 2015 • Tags:

Students Serve Up Real-World Answers to Complex Questions

Four teams of CC students presented proposals aimed at innovative and long-term solutions to food insecurity, homelessness, and chronic poverty at CC’s Soup Project Challenge this spring. The Soup Project, a collaboration between the Collaborative for Community Engagement and the Innovation Institute, seeks to build on the Community Kitchen’s legacy of working to address the…

Issue: August 2015 • Tags:

Nepali Fundraiser Nets $7,500 – and Counting

Four students from Kathmandu, Nepal, launched a fundraising campaign immediately following the earthquakes in their country to raise money for humanitarian relief. Sidharth Moktan ’15, Niyanta Khatri ’17, Anubrat Prasai ’17, and Abhushan Kadka ’18 organized a photo display of Nepali photos — before, during, and after the earthquake — in the Worner Campus Center.…

Issue: August 2015 • Tags:

CC’s Journalist-in- Residence Honored

Hampton Sides, who serves at the helm of Colorado College’s one-year-old Journalist-in-Residence Program, has a new tribute. His most recent book, “In the Kingdom of Ice,” was selected as an All Pikes Peak Reads book for 2015. The program, sponsored by the Pikes Peak Library District, is a community-wide effort to improve literacy and foster…

Issue: August 2015 • Tags:

Kadi Energy Follows Up On Big Idea Win

Kadi Energy has put the $25,000 first-place prize it won at the Big Idea competition in April to good use, having manufactured and shipped 1,000 battery- and solar-powered mobile phone chargers from its introductory line. Approximately 900 Ray 10 units headed to Ghana this summer, says Paul-Miki Akpablie ’16, who leads the company with Samantha…

Issue: August 2015 • Tags:

What to Name the New Wireless Network?

CC recently started the launch of a significant upgrade of its wireless network – and thought it befitting that a new network have a new name. The Information Technology Services (ITS) team held a contest, and the entries were logged. Among them: ChiefTiefWifi CatNet ThePromisedLAN WiOfTheTiger TigersGoneWireless WiBelieveICanFi TellMyWifiLoveHer PrettyFlyForAWifi TheLANBeforeTime UniqueIntellectualConnection Students voted on…

Issue: August 2015 • Tags:

‘Forward Thinking’ Water Rights Gift

An investment partnership comprised of Ian Griffis ’85, David Birnbaum ’83, John Chalik ’67, Michael Millisor ’83, William Griffis ’78, David Lord, the college’s former business manager, and several friends of the college donated the ground water rights beneath an 806.57 acre parcel of land to the school. The parcel, located in nearby Douglas and…

Issue: August 2015 • Tags:

From the President

Dear Alumni, Parents, and Friends of Colorado College, The focus of this issue of the Bulletin is this special place — Colorado College. It’s an appropriate theme as a new class arrives and settles into four years here at the foot of Pikes Peak, in the urban setting of Colorado Springs, in this place as…

Issue: August 2015 • Tags:

Letters to the Editor

Life of Loevy Dr. Loevy arrived at CC at the beginning of my senior year. Being a poli sci major, I signed up for his course teaching us how to program computers using BASIC. It was rare that computers were used by the social sciences, but I loved the course. During my second semester I…

Issue: August 2015 • Tags: