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Posts tagged Features

The Road Rises to Meet Them: Rockies Project Refocuses on Water Across The West

Over the last 12 years, the Colorado College State of the Rockies Project has engaged the campus, local, and regional communities in meaningful dialogue on issues that affect us all. From wolf conservation to melting alpine glaciers, the Rockies Project provides an objective voice on regional issues. Facilitating collaborative student- faculty research partnerships, as well…

Issue: August 2015 • Tags:

It’s All About the (Alumni) Base

With my sophomore year behind me, that is, my second year as director of alumni relations here at CC, it’s constructive to take stock of our program in order to move forward, and I am excited about what lies ahead. A long overdue redesign to the alumni website is in progress. With the aid of…

Issue: August 2015 • Tags:

A Special Ops Force

While there’s one Facilities project at the top of Campus Operations and Plant Manager Mark Ferguson’s mind right now, the list of sustainability-related changes happening on the operations side is lengthy. “I got here at the end of ’12, and so really in ’13 we started organizing and analyzing” benchmark data, Ferguson said. “Since then…

Issue: August 2015 • Tags:

Taking Care with Carbon

When it comes to hitting carbon neutrality on campus, Sustainability Director Ian Johnson says electrical, power, and natural gas emissions are of concern, but are not the biggest challenge. The biggest challenge relates to emissions due to waste, emissions due to business travel (by air), and faculty, staff, and student commuting. All of these pieces…

Issue: August 2015 • Tags:

Shift Happens

The week after the Class of 2015 graduated, eight faculty members gathered for a two-day workshop in Cossitt Hall. The list of departments represented by this group of professors was eclectic: kinesiology, education, history, environmental studies, religion, math and computer science, business and economics, and German. But they all came to learn about one thing:…

Issue: August 2015 • Tags:

Veggie Trails

Take a run-of-the-mill, 15-passenger Ford E-350 with a 6-liter diesel engine, add a student with a sense of ingenuity, toss in some waste vegetable oil, and the result is CC’s new Veggie Van. A pet project of Tom Crowe ’15, the van is a joint effort between the Office of Sustainability and the Department of…

Issue: August 2015 • Tags:

From Solar Panels to French Fry Fumes

Sustainability efforts on campus have made big strides lately. See how CC is diverting waste, saving resources, and cutting CO2.

Issue: August 2015 • Tags:

Admission Makes History

Does the number 8,054 mean anything to you? If not, then it soon will. With all it has to offer, Colorado College has always been a desirable destination for students, faculty, and staff. That desirability has never been more obvious than in the 2014-15 application cycle. This year, at the time of writing, CC has…

Issue: April 2015 • Tags:

On the Frontline

Graduate Fights Ebola from Key Spot in Liberia

Issue: April 2015 • Tags:

Antarctic Adventure

Issue: April 2015 • Tags: