Indigenous Religious Traditions is my second religion course. The first was World Religions, a survey course at my hometown's community college with over fifty students and professor who was not a fan of discussion. The class consisted of static once-a-week three-hour lectures with an occasional video to save the professor's aged voice. There were no …
Things we did at Pine Ridge
Well, we're back from Pine Ridge and wow. I'm afraid the only words I have are pointless descriptors like "awesome, dude!" and profanity, and since I posted an intensely personal blog earlier I'll leave most of the synthesis to one of the other bloggers. Also, I promised the buffalo dissection. On Tuesday, we went …
The Truth Behind Climate Change
Climate change is an issue that cemented its place in the public consciousness years ago; ask anyone about it and they're sure to have an opinion. The sad thing is that most people are unaware of the full story, which leads to confusion and a continuation of the political divide surrounding climate change. The truth …
Having Faith
dated Monday, November 5, 2012 Today we left campus for Pine Ridge! It was all very exciting and new—I've never been on a block that had an off campus trip before (I know, I know, I'm a senior and everything, but there was always just so much to do on campus). I didn't get much …
Looking Back, and Looking Forward
How do you reflect on a week of class that is truly imaginative, truly engaging, truly opening? Maybe it's that I'm new to this whole blogging thing, or maybe it's like what my classmate Heather says . . . that some things are just beyond words. Reflection is hard. But I'll give it a shot. First, …
Beyond Words.
There are some experiences words cannot adequately capture. As a creative writing major, avid journaler, book addict, and general word-devotee, I write the following with great lament: words too often fail me. Take this afternoon for instance. Under the guidance of Lakota Mother Celinda Kaelin, our class observed and participated in our first Pipe Ceremony …
Global Environmental Politics and the Liberal Arts
Global Environmental Politics and the Liberal Arts Sitting in today’s class feels different from my last two blocks at CC. I’m not staring at a chalk board noting equations, and today’s reading didn’t come from a text book with problem sets at the back. A student from my last block in Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory sits …
Continue reading "Global Environmental Politics and the Liberal Arts"
Considering the Sacred.
A new block, a new course, and, in one day, a new month. Last time I blogged it was from a hostel in London, during the middle of a sticky hot July, in honor of Shakespeare. Now I'm back on campus. Back in the cocoon of dear Colorado College, where most of the vibrant autumn …
The First Day of Class
The first day of class. Remember how you used to get those dreams that you would forget to wear your clothes to school? I get those sort of dreams before a block starts. Except instead of wearing no clothes, it’s usually me forgetting to wake up or not being able to find my classroom. A …
The End.
My block break adventures on the Colorado River! It's hard to believe that my FYE is over! After 7 weeks of the same classroom, classmates and professor, I am both nervous and excited for a change! Upon returning from New Mexico, we continued to look critically at the history of that fascinating state further armed …