3 Global Industries Where Millennials Are in Demand

by Capitol Standard | August 14, 2017 Re-posted from Vault We’ve been called “lazy, entitled narcissists.” The “Me, Me, Me generation.” And the most tech-savvy generation thus far. And now, as older generations move toward retirement, we’re being seen as the future of global industry. Occupations like travel agents, agricultural workers, mail carriers, switchboard operators and more are just…


5 Steps to a Successful (And Not So Awkward) Informational Interview

Published August 11, 2017 By Michelle A. Riklan, Career Marketing Strategist ✯ Outplacement ✯ Executive Resume Writer Riklan Resources, LLC Reposted from LinkedIn Many applicants experience only the interviewee side of the job application process. They apply for a job, come to the interview, and answer some questions about their work and qualifications. They don’t experience what…


How to Master Effective Storytelling in Interviews

by Natalie Fisher | August 02, 2017 re-posted from Vault You feel nervous about your career stories, and the fact that you have to tell stories in interviews drives you bananas. You’re not sure whether your stories are even any good. You don’t know if what you did was even that special. For example: “What’s your GREATEST career accomplishment?”…

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What Is ‘Grit’ and Why Do Employers Want You to Have It?

Grit isn’t just necessary for investment banking employers. Be prepared to show any potential employer your “firmness of mind or spirit : unyielding courage in the face of hardship or danger.” by Derek Loosvelt | August 07, 2017 Re-posted from Vault Every year, Vault surveys thousands of investment banking professionals, asking them to tell us about life at their firms.…

Eight Tips For Recent Grads Who Want To Get Jobs In Marketing

Re-posted from Forbes JUL 27, 2017 @ 06:00 AM WRITTEN BY Douglas Karr, a marketing technology entrepreneur, marketing consultant, marketing/keynote public speaker, and author. Congratulations, college graduate! You’ve successfully completed a life goal that has provided you a foundation in marketing communications, taught you critical thinking, and provided you with the confidence you need to go out and…

How to Prepare for a Skype Interview

Skype interviews are more and more becoming the norm (over phone interviews) for first round interviews. While you may have experience with Skype, use Facetime everyday, or prefer Google Hangouts, here are some tips to help you plan for your next interview situation… by Isabel Sperry | July 26, 2017 Re-posted from Vault While you probably have…

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33 Interview Questions Wall Street Banks Are Asking (some could fit any industry)

reposted from Vault Careers | July 25, 2017 Each year, Vault surveys thousands of investment banking professionals, asking them to tell us about life at their firms. We ask about company culture, hours, compensation, overall job satisfaction, work/life balance, benefits, diversity, formal training, mentoring, business outlook, and more. Part of our survey focuses on interviews and,…

How to Get a Job as a Social Media Manager

by Vault Careers | July 05, 2017 Re-posted from Vault Not long ago, Vault spoke with Wendy Soucie, the global head of social media at motion and control technologies manufacturer Parker Hannifin. Soucie discussed with us how she became a social media manager, what the best and worst parts of her job are, and the advice she has…

This Trick Will Make Your Résumé Stand Out

Vault Careers | June 30, 2017 Re-posted from Vault Although it can be tempting to distinguish your résumé by making it visually different from others (using an unusual font or adding extra design elements), it’s best to stick to a traditional résumé format for most jobs. Visual discrepancies can actually work against you—unless you’re applying for…

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11 Things to Avoid When Writing a Resume

While you may be saying “Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know all this.” Vault presents some of the tried and true resume tips that bears repeating. As you work on your latest resume update, make sure you are still on track. by Lisa Rangel | June 08, 2017 re-posted from Vault Writing a resume that gets…

Tips on how to succeed at your next interview

Vault Careers shares tips from Google, but these tips apply to almost all interviews… 4 Skills You Need to Get a Job at Google posted June 13, 2017 Do you break into a cold sweat at the thought of a job interview? You shouldn’t! As Google states on its web site about its interview process, “Why sweat the…

Hiring: Safety Net Clinic Week 2017 Coordinator, Denver, CO

Interested in learning more about community health and access to health care in Colorado? Interested in meeting elected officials and community health care leaders? Colorado’s community safety net clinics provide health care to low-income and uninsured Coloradans throughout the state. The 8th Annual Safety Net Clinic Week (SNCW) will take place August 21-25, 2017. The…

COLOR seeking new addition to their familia – Development Coordinator in Denver

  Colorado Organization for Latina Opportunity and Reproductive Rights (COLOR) is a sisterhood of Latinas dedicated to building a movement of Latinas, their families and allies through leadership development, organizing and advocacy to create opportunity to achieve reproductive justice. Development Coordinator COLOR is seeking a high energy, self-motivated, dedicated, self-driven, fierce team member to help…

Smithsonian Office of Fellowships & Internships

Fall 2017 ACHP-Smithsonian Cultural Heritage Fellowship

The Smithsonian Institution (SI) and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) announce the Fall 2017 ACHP-Smithsonian Cultural Heritage Fellowship The theme for the 2017 Fall Semester ACHP-SI fellowship is Latino Heritage. Those with an interest in learning more about the preservation of Latino culture, heritage, sites and artifacts are especially encouraged to apply. Over the course of at…

How to Find a Job Out of College with No Experience

by Natalie Fisher | June 07, 2017 Re-posted from Vault You’re about to launch into the real world for the first time after college or university. You’ve got a good educational background under your belt, but the problem is you’ve got zero hands-on experience. Even though you know you’re smart, and you’ve done well in…

8 Tips for Rocking Your First Day at a New Job

Re-posted from The Muse From figuring out what to wear to remembering where your new cube is, all while trying to learn the ropes and make a good first impression on your new boss and co-workers, your first day at a new job can be absolutely terrifying. Want to make sure you start things off…

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5 Ways to Calm Your Interview Nerves

by Peter Yang | May 24, 2017 Re-posted from Vault You can’t seem to help it: every time you go into an interview it feels like you’re venturing into a lion’s den. Your body stiffens and your palms begin to sweat. You tell yourself to take a deep breath, but every time your lungs take…

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7 Ways to Maximize Your Internship

by Caroline Schmidt | May 23, 2017 Re-posted from Vault Getting an internship is the easy part; now it’s about proving why you deserve to be there. An internship is the ultimate sink or swim opportunity. Nestled neatly between study and a career, it involves applying the knowledge and skills you learned through a TAFE…

Now Hiring: SocialSEO, Colorado Springs

The SocialSEO team of accomplished online marketing experts thrive in a positive environment that promotes our clients’ business success by improving their online exposure through search engine marketing, effective PPC (pay per click management) and social media marketing. SocialSEO services encompass organic search engine optimization including website analysis, code optimization, local search optimization (maps), mobile optimization, competitive analysis, reputation…

How to Prepare for a Skype Interview

May 17, 2017 Re-posted from Jobipedia If you have interviewed for a job recently, you may have been asked to do a Skype interview at some point. Video interviews are becoming more common, especially for companies interviewing candidates that live in a different state. Learn more about these tips… Practice Before the Interview Choose Your…

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5 Ways to Show Leadership Skills on Your Resume

by Lisa Rangel | May 16, 2017 Re-posted from Vault Today, companies know that soft skills are just as important as hard skills when it comes to improving the bottom line. And maybe the most important soft skill of all is leadership ability. However, leadership is something many people don’t know how to effectively market…