- Garden of the Gods brittle deformation
- Studies above treeline
- Cap de Creus, Spain
- Sigmoidal boudin extraordinaire
- Summer field work, West Antarctica
- A view of Ross Ice Shelf
Courses taught recently
CC120 First Year Experience : Writing in the Disciplines [STEM]
GY140 Introduction to the Earth System
GY140 FYE First Year Experience: Geological Perspectives on Climate Nonfiction
GY250 Introduction to Geodesign
GY 315 Structural Geology
GY316 Field analysis of Geological Structures
GY400 Senior Seminar: Senor Seminar (2020): Dynamics of West Antarctic Ice Sheet (co-taught with T. Hillebrand)
GY445: Regional Studies: California – Pacific Plate to Colorado Plateau
- CC Classroom
- Front Range geological map
- Garden of Gods cross section
- New digital geological maps of Antarctica
- Rumpled rock! What the ??!!
- Ross Ice Shelf location
Undergraduate Research advised, examples from past 5 years:
Roat, Abby, 2022, Characterizing changes in 21st century subglacial hydrology at Humboldt Glacier, N. Greenland
Swope, Fiona, 2022, Glacial Exhumation History of the DeVicq Region in West Antarctica
Haddad, Helen, 2022, Developing Geology Curriculum in Collaboration with Concrete Couch (local non-profit)
Brandhorst, Claire, 2021, Primary observation and development of online educational resource for the Sutherland Creek / Bear Creek segment of the Ute Pass fault, Colorado Front Range
Krauss, Zoe, 2019, Magnetics and Gravity modeling of Ross Ice Shelf
Rundquist, Will, 2019, Geodesign for rehabilitiation of campus-creek relationship
Patterson, Kevin, 2019, Matrix analysis of sillimanite quartz pods in a high strain zone
Jozef, Gina, 2018, Analyzing Radar Profiles of Kamb Ice Stream to Identify Zones of Basal Melt for the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica
Lockett, Alec, 2017, Airborne geophysical survey and use of potential fields data for geological characterization of the crust beneath Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica
Graduate and PostDoctoral Research Mentoring
Cailey Condit, 2015 -2017, University of Colorado, Boulder, Zircon and monazite geochronology and trace element geochemistry of tectonites that record the Big Sky orogeny (N. Madison range, SW Montana). Doctoral committee advised by Kevin Mahan.
Christopher Yakymchuk, 2010-2014, University of Maryland, Migmatite-to-granite transition and evolution of continental crust along the East Gondwana margin. Doctoral committee advised by Mike Brown.
- The A-Team! Back row: Allison Schuch, Camille Garcia, and Saluja Siwakoti. “Front row:” C. Siddoway.
- Flight line map for ROSETTA-Ice survey
- Matt and Zoe getting down to work on potential fields data
- Shallow ice radar reveals much!
- Geodesign activists Matt Cooney and Christine Siddoway