Spotlight on Half Block: Management Consulting 101

Welcome to our Spotlight on Half Block series! Each week leading up to Dynamic Half Block in January, we’re featuring one of 2018’s non-credit offerings here on our blog. Registration for all non-credit offerings is now open on Summit.

Spotlight on Management Consulting 101

What’s this class about?

In this Half Block, students will learn about the management consulting industry and consulting as a career. Topics include an overview of the types of consulting, the key firms and their positioning, and the economics of consulting. We will discuss the tools, services, ideas, and frameworks that firms employ. With careers as a focus, we will discuss professional success factors, including structured problem-solving, analytical capabilities, communications and relationship skills, and various types of specialized knowledge/experience. We will conduct group and individual exercises to learn about and hone case interviewing skills, the primary method of screening potential consultants.

Because of the consultancy hiring timeline, this half block is especially appropriate for sophomores and juniors.

What are the times and dates?

The first week of Half Block: January 8-12, with class from 9am-noon.

What kinds of skills will I learn?

You’ll learn how to show your thinking while problem-solving and other strategies useful for case interviewing.

Register on Summit.

All Half Block Spotlights:

Advertising Agency Immersion
Building Your Freelance Writing Business
Computer Language as a Language
Creative Projects Masterclass
Digital Tools for the Liberal Arts
Global Debt: A common factor driving uncommon times
Journalism Boot Camp
Management Consulting 101
Moving, Thinking, Meaning
Represent Your First Client, Try Your First Case
Soundance: Film Audio Blowout!
The Vocab: Critical approaches to spoken word writing and performing

One thought on “Spotlight on Half Block: Management Consulting 101

  1. Pingback: Spotlight on Half Block: The Big Idea Half Block | CC Career Chronicles

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