Woody Beardsley addresses 2008 conference

Woody Beardsley, CEO of Hybrid Energy Group (HEG), spoke to conference attendees about a segment of the clean energy sector that invites small capital investment. HEG implements a flexible investment strategy that focuses on small wind, solar and biodiesel companies that may not be attractive to institutional investors, investment banks and large private equity funds, […]

Gale Norton speaks at 2008 State of the Rockies Conference

Former United States secretary of the interior Gale Norton addressed a crowd of students and Colorado Springs citizens at Colorado College for the 2008 State of the Rockies conference. Norton spoke on topics including land use and endangered species, and answered questions from audience members after concluding her speech.  Please visit the Colorado Springs Gazette […]

2008 State of the Rockies Workshops

For the 2008 State of the Rockies Conference, State of the Rockies student researchers each hosted a workshop designed to elaborate on their findings in a community context. Bringing together experts, students, and concerned citizens, these workshops were designed to foster meaningful dialogue and encouraged community action. We were pleased to have had high community […]

Rockies Staff visits Mitchell High School

Student Researcher Simon Cataldo and Program Coordinator Chris Jackson visited Mitchell High School in Colorado Springs to discuss the State of the Rockies research process and our current research topics.  In the ensuing discussion, Mitchell students provided the Rockies Team with some insight into the issues and potential research topics that are important to high school […]

Photo Contest

Colorado College students: submit your photographs for the inaugural 2008 Rockies Photo Contest! The Colorado College State of the Rockies Project is calling for student photo submissions. Select photos may be included in the 2008 State of the Rockies Report Card, and multiple cash prizes will be awarded at the State of the Rockies Conference […]