Colorado College has named Ed and Betsy Marston, the former publisher and editor, respectively, of the High Country News in Paonia, Colo., as the 2008-09 Champions of the Rockies.
Call for Student Photos!
The 2nd Annual State of the Rockies Photo Competition is accepting photo submissions. Winning photos may be published in the State of the Rockies Report Card and win prizes! Learn more HERE.
Fall/Winter Wild Rockies Speaker Series Scheduled
Five great talks over the next six months. Complete Speaker Bios and Schedule HERE!
2008-2009 Wild Rockies Speaker Series Underway
The Rockies Project kicked off their speaker series on Monday with Hunting: Blood Sport or Wildlife Management Tool? Speakers from Rocky Mountain Animal Defense and the Colorado Wildlife Federation discussed the ethics, stereotypes, and necessity of hunting in the West.
Next Speaker: Monday, Oct. 6: “Can We Save Colorado’s Rivers? The Future of the Cache la Poudre of Northern Colorado.” Featuring speakers from the Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District and the Save the Poudre Coalition. Gates Common Room, 7pm, refreshments to follow.
2008 State of the Rockies Field Trip: Part 2
August 4 – 8 the Rockies team traveled through New Mexico learning about wildlife management on a few unique ranches and preserves. Outside of Raton, NM, researchers spent two days touring the Vermejo Park Ranch. Though game and predator wildlife populations at Vermejo Park are healthy, through the Turner Endangered Species Fund they are working to re-introduce the black-footed ferret and Rio Grande cutthroat trout, among other species. Next, researchers visited the Fort Union Ranch, where the Fort Union National Monument and Santa Fe Trail are also located. Here, researchers learned the struggles of turning a profit on a working ranch, and the importance of preserving open space and history. After a brief stop at the Wind River Ranch, the Rockies team ended their trip with an overnight stay at the Valles Caldera National Preserve, a unique land management experiment by the federal government. In 2002, after being purchased by the government from private owners, management of the Preserve was transferred to the Valles Caldera Trust, who valiantly pursue the missions of multiple use, sustainability, and financial independence.
2008 Northern Rockies Field Trip
From July 7 through July 18, State of the Rockies student researchers traveled throughout Montana and Wyoming to assess both wildlife management and its intersection with energy development. Student researchers backpacked in the Shoshone National Forest, toured natural gas rigs in Pinedale, WY, floated a section of the Snake River, and conferred with regional wildlife and energy experts. Student researchers will embark on a second field trip to New Mexico on August 4, after completing two more weeks of research for the 2009 State of the Rockies Report Card.
2008 Summer Research Begins
This June, the Colorado College State of the Rockies Project will begin its sixth year of research. With an outstanding new group of student researchers, we are excited to continue our tradition of researching key Rocky Mountain issues and engaging the public in our findings.
In addition to rigorous office-based analysis, student researchers will be investigating their topics in the field by taking a group research trip to the northern Rockies. Not only is this an opportunity to observe firsthand the real-world implications of their research, but it is also a chance to learn from experts region-wide. The topics to be addressed this summer are Wildlife: Historic Range and Current Condition, Wildlife Management, Wildlife Conflicts with Intense Energy Development, Wild and Scenic Rivers, and The “Megapolitan” Rockies.
Please check for updates on our progress.
2008 State of the Rockies Report Card in the News
The 2008 State of the Rockies Report Card has been cited by nearly 300 media sources this year alone. Please visit our In the News section to view press coverage of the 2008 State of the Rockies Report Card.
Woody Beardsley addresses 2008 conference
Woody Beardsley, CEO of Hybrid Energy Group (HEG), spoke to conference attendees about a segment of the clean energy sector that invites small capital investment. HEG implements a flexible investment strategy that focuses on small wind, solar and biodiesel companies that may not be attractive to institutional investors, investment banks and large private equity funds, who tend to be more comfortable with the risks and returns of large-scale renewable energy investments.
Gale Norton speaks at 2008 State of the Rockies Conference
Former United States secretary of the interior Gale Norton addressed a crowd of students and Colorado Springs citizens at Colorado College for the 2008 State of the Rockies conference. Norton spoke on topics including land use and endangered species, and answered questions from audience members after concluding her speech. Please visit the Colorado Springs Gazette for a media reaction to Norton’s address.