Goodbye FYE, Hello Block Break!

The campus is in high spirits as we all celebrate this beautiful winter wonderland and the start of block break! Already there are students setting up rails for snowboarding outside of Mathias and the Fairy Club has constructed a snowman on the Slocum quad. We have all completed our second block of the year and …

AN 243 Milagros: Little Miracles

The Introduction to Cultural Anthropology and Hispanic Folklore FYE is listed as writing intensive. I knew this going into the course, but that didn’t stop me from having a small panic attack upon the realization that we would be responsible for handing in a 20-page paper by the end of the course that would count …

Nearing the End…(Cultural Anthropology and Hispanic Folk Art of the Southwest)

Well, it’s getting to be about that time…dreaded fourth week is approaching! As much work as we all have right now, it’s actually kind of nice to be in the library and see ten people you know. And being in the midst of writing a paper, the only logical thing to do is to take …
