CC Children’s Center, FAC Spark Preschoolers’ Imagination

By Leslie Weddell Albert Einstein once said “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.” Imagination certainly is on display at the Colorado College Children’s Center, its hallways an amazing preview of the creativity and ingenuity the preschoolers are developing. Exhibited in the front hall of the Children’s Center is a “Preschool …

Attend CC, FAC Listening Session Tomorrow Morning

Start your Thursday with coffee and a light breakfast as you learn more about the CC-FAC alliance at a listening session tomorrow, Sept. 8, 7:30-9 a.m. in the Fine Arts Center Music Room. This is your opportunity to share input about a new future between CC and the Fine Arts Center. There are also two …

You’re Invited to FAC Open House

Experience the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center at an open house this week! All CC faculty and staff are invited to an open house at the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center Thursday, Sept. 8, 3-5 p.m. Take a guided tour, explore the galleries, mingle with FAC colleagues, and enjoy light refreshments. Last week, President Jill …

FAC Museum Staff Update

President Jill Tiefenthaler shared the following update with the CC campus community about staffing related to the CC-FAC alliance: Dear Campus Community, I am pleased to announce that on the heels of our exciting announcement of a new alliance with the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center, we are extending CC art and curatorial expertise to …

Christine Siddoway Honored at Celebration of Women in Antarctic Research

Have you ever heard of a wikibomb? Wonder why one might be important? The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research is hoping to make a big impact with its wikibomb event and Christine Siddoway, professor of geology, is right in the middle of it. By intentionally “bombing” Wikipedia with information about female researchers, Siddoway says the …

CC, Fine Arts Center Alliance Redefines Arts in Colorado Springs

President Jill Tiefenthaler shared this update with the Colorado College campus community about the CC-FAC alliance: Dear Campus Community, Along with Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center President and CEO David Dahlin, I am pleased to share with you that we have achieved an historic alliance between Colorado College and the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center. …

Keith Conger Uses Motorcycle Crash as Inspiration for Award-Winning App

By Angie Bardsley, ITS Administrative Assistant Keith Conger, ITS systems administrator, won an Invent America contest in middle school for designing an oxygen-making diving suit, and he’s been inventing ever since. So it’s no surprise that he turned a serious motorcycle accident into a creative opportunity. A few years ago, he was riding in three …

Students Get Lost in “Poetry and Photography from the Isles”

  “Ascend cliffs rising through the clouds. Wander the back alleys of Dublin. Skip moss-covered stones across a river tumbling from the frigid North Sea.” Sound like the summer vacation for you? With the intention of engaging in a creative experiment, Tara Labovich ’19 and fellow student Bryce Kirby ’19, spent the summer exploring those …
