The ITS division has two dynamic colleagues who contribute to the efficiency and success of the work done by the whole division. Linda Petro, who has been at the college for 23 years, is the IT project manager — developing and implementing IT projects for CC. She collaborates with campus colleagues and stakeholders to see a project through from start to finish: clarifying needs, managing resources, building vendor relationships, and communicating with stakeholders and project participants are all part of that process. While much of the work continues in the background, Petro also is wearing the random testing cape helping the college with its weekly random testing efforts. “Linda has been amazing with our random testing efforts. She has organized our weekly lists, reached out to all students as part of the random testing; she answers tons of questions and tracks the testing efforts each week. We have been able to expand testing efforts thanks to Linda and team helping operationalize this strategy,” says Brian Young, vice president for ITS and chief technology officer, who serves as the lead over the college’s COVID-19 prevention efforts.
Lucie Tennis, the other half of the duo, has been overseeing the college’s COVID procurement efforts, especially around PPE. “Lucie has been a great leader in our COVID-19 efforts. She has led the way with COVID procurement, and continues to secure the needed materials and items our campus needs to mitigate COVID-19 spread. Lucie also has been the key to making sure supplies get from point A to point B as fast as we can. When supplies seem hard to find, Lucie finds a way to acquire them and get them to campus,” says Young. Lucie was the right choice to take on that work, as her pre-COVID-19 job entailed focusing on the smooth and efficient operations of the division. That included budget management, assistance with contract renewals, process review and change, forecasting, processing payments and PO requests, and educating the division on divisional budgetary processes. Tennis has been with CC since 2017.
With these superheroes at work, the college’s COVID efforts can continue to be successful and we can keep the virus at bay. Submit your ideas to celebrate or help our CC community to Lyrae Williams to be highlighted in a future week.