CC Hosts Organizational Development Conference

Aug. 8-9, a contingent of great minds will come together on the CC campus to collaborate about the challenges and benefits of implementing a successful professional development program. The Organizational Development Conference addresses professional development in institutions of higher education.

“Considering our interest in professional development, in workplace excellence, it makes sense for CC to not only host this conference, but to also actively partner with institutions across the country,” says Lisa Brommer, senior associate director of human resources.

It’s the sixth annual ODC and CC’s first time hosting. Wake Forest University initiated the event when CC President Jill Tiefenthaler was there as provost. “It’s an interesting connection, to have President Tiefenthaler providing support and leadership in making professional development a strategic priority at these two different institutions,” Brommer says. Tiefenthaler will give the opening keynote address on the importance of professional development in higher education.

Throughout the two-day conference, presenters will lead discussions on a variety of topics, from building a professional development program, to increasing staff engagement, to evaluation of PD resources. CC’s Paul Buckley, assistant vice president and director of the Butler Center, will lead a segment on diversity and inclusion in professional development, highlighting the “Good to Great: The Journey to Inclusion at CC” Excel@CC program.

“We’re really looking at how we make sense of professional development and package it differently. In a program like what we’ve done with Excel@CC, we’re able to pull it all together and embrace professional development as a part of our institution’s strategic plan,” says Brommer.

The attendee list includes 19 new attendees, which is exciting for the organizers, and one of the benefits of bringing the conference to the CC campus. “We’re able to diversify the conversation by broadening participation throughout this region,” says Brommer. “This is a phenomenal place and we want to share what we’re doing with others.”

The more than 30 participants represent 25 different institutions from across the country. Expect to see representatives from a range of colleges and institutions, from Baylor University to Virginia Tech, Columbia University to the University of San Diego, and many in between. They’ll be on campus, primarily in the Spencer Center, Aug. 7-9.

The conference is an opportunity for CC to continue to build its professional development program and to learn from and support colleagues at the other institutions. It’s also a way for CC to set an example of how PD can be done, and done well, in higher education. “We can really showcase our professional development program. We can show what we’re doing, talk about the support and the resources we have for Excel@CC, and that we have the ability to do what we believe is right for our employees. This is part of our commitment to the college,” says Brommer, “to further enhance our own professional development program.”

SCoRe! Students Contribute, Collaborate in Summer Research Program

What did you do this summer? Pose that question to Ricardo Tenente ’16, Caroline Boyd ’17, or a number of other students in the Summer Collaborative Research program (SCoRe), and you might get an answer like: “Just studying how bacteria incorporate DNA into their genomes by observing the process via an Atomic Force Microscope.”

Through the SCoRe program, Tenente, Boyd, and their student colleagues have spent months conducting real research, in a lab, and recording and analyzing their results. Completing a comprehensive research program on the Block Plan can be a challenge, so this program provides not only collaborative opportunities for students to work together and to work closely with faculty, but also allows for additional time.

“Research requires time and sometimes things don’t work out,” says Tenente. “If an experiment doesn’t work and you don’t get results on a short time frame, it is challenging. That’s why doing it for longer is ideal.” And while the extended timeframe allows for significant progress to be made over the summer, many SCoRe students are involved on an even more long-term basis.

Kristine Lang, associate professor of physics, and Phoebe Lostroh, associate professor of molecular biology, are working with Tenente and Boyd this summer, and have been for several years. The professors are conducting a research project funded by a $500,000 National Science Foundation grant and they collaborate with students each summer to help keep the project moving. By studying a type of bacteria that has a condition called competence, they’re using microbiology and microscopy techniques to observe how bacteria find DNA in the environment and import it into themselves, incorporating it into their own genomes.

“We’re trying to more fully understand how they accomplish this, using a combination of microbiology techniques and microscopy techniques. That’s the cool collaborative part, allowing us to put our skills together.”

They co-teach a First-Year Experience course based on their research project, and during that FYE, the students get one block of background information and introduction to lab work, and then spend a block conducting research. “The idea that you can bring in first year students and have them produce something and have this transformative experience so early in their careers, that’s unusual,” says Lang.

Tenente was exposed to the research program in that FYE course and says the opportunity to work directly on a research project provided insight in making career decisions. “This has defined a lot of my career path,” says Tenente, who graduated in May and is now working as a researcher on this project for the next year. “I knew I wanted to do something with biology, but that first year gave me an insight into what it meant to be a researcher, and I liked it, I liked finding results – that’s just a small part of it – and I liked the whole process.”

Lang says she and Lostroh often hire between two and four students out of that FYE class, so the research students are starting in the lab in the fall of their first year, “which is great for them, to get research experience early,” she says. “And, it’s great for us to have students who know they’re interested and have a background. These students typically work for us a couple of years throughout their time at CC.”

Boyd, who’s majoring in molecular biology, also became involved in research during her first year at CC, “which is wonderful,” she says. “Being able to do it for much longer than a block or a summer tells you how much goes into research. I also found out I love it.”

Boyd spent a semester doing research abroad, and says the experience she had already gained at CC enabled her to survive and contribute to the process overseas. “Through this research experience, I’m learning new ways of analysis that can be applied across other labs, learning things I would not have gotten in other classes,” says Boyd.

It’s a rare opportunity, for undergraduate students to participate so fully in research, and Lang says the time working with students in the lab addresses much more than the research project. “We’re a teaching college at CC, and the best part is feeling like this is an extension of my teaching. It is teaching them practical things, like lab skills; it’s teaching them how to interact with supervisors in a professional job setting; it’s helping them determine whether they like professional science and this kind of research and giving them the experience to make educated decisions about their academic futures.”

“I have lots of students I continue to mentor when they go on to be graduate students, so these are very long term, meaningful relationships. There’s lots more to the research, than the research and those other things are as important than actually the research product itself,” says Lang.

You can catch students discussing their summer work and findings during a final Summer Collaborate Research program presentation: Friday, August 5, in Slocum Commons, 12:15-1 p.m.

All Summer Collaborative Research program participants will present at the Undergraduate Research Symposium, Friday, Sept. 30, 3:30-5 p.m. in Cornerstone Main Space.

Get to Know Jeff Montoya, CC’s New Information Security Engineer

Jeff Montoya brings his years of expertise in information security to CC, helping to protect the institution’s data and technology infrastructure. He joined the ITS division this summer and shares some of the ways he helps keep your information safe, plus where you might find him when he’s not as his desk.

What does your job entail?

I provide risk analysis of the institution’s vulnerability to data or security breaches. This involves assessing CC’s security event logging and monitoring analyzers, the intrusion detection/prevention system (IDS/IPS) and firewall logs, and anti-virus products. I also oversee management and administration to protect the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of information assets and technology

Infrastructures by conducting security audits, developing security awareness instructional material, and coordinating and resolving any incidents of security breach.

How do you think your position will impact CC?

Data is the most valuable asset of any organization and it is important to maintain the integrity of that information. I hope to provide methods for ensuring the integrity of that data and protect the overall infrastructure from malicious attacks.

Where did you work before CC and what where you doing?

Prior to working at CC, I was the network and security officer for the Administrative Office of the District Attorney for the State of New Mexico. I spent 14 years with that organization, starting at a help desk position and advancing to a senior staff member overseeing the entire state’s prosecution infrastructure.

What do you bring to this job?

Security is an ever-evolving landscape. It has become a specialized role that requires a person who easily adapts to change. Taking the time to research these new trends along with a passion for IT are where my strengths reside.

What are some personal or professional experiences you’ve had either at CC or outside of it that play into your current role?

I think most people have had their credit cards or bank accounts compromised at one point in their life. I am no exception and I think those kinds of things make you feel vulnerable once it happens. It becomes more important to be aware of the risks around you, professionally and personally. I would like to share my knowledge about that type of risk with those at CC to help protect themselves.

Who/what was the biggest influence on you?

My former IT director taught me not to fear new challenges and be open to others’ ideas. He is a strong individual who isn’t intimidated by the agendas others might try to impose. He taught me about believing in the simplicity and practicality of the business process.

What have you noticed about CC?

Coming from a government background, it’s quite a different environment. In terms of infrastructure, I see that it’s important to share ideas with other schools and other students. It’s a much more inviting atmosphere.

Tell us a little about your background.

I was born and raised in Santa Fe, New Mexico. It was a great town with a lot of similarities to Colorado Springs. I spent four years living in Denver before returning to New Mexico in 2001. I have a wonderful wife who will be teaching at CC in the Southwest Studies Program. We have a 2-year-old daughter who lights up our life.

What do you like to do when not working?

Mountain biking and playing music (drums and guitar).

Have questions about information security? Or just want to say hello? Contact Jeff:


Two Colorado College Alumni Advocate for Utah Wilderness

By Devon Burnham ’16

Coming from a love for the red rock wilderness in southern Utah, Colorado College alumni Brooke Larsen ’14 and Stephen Trimble ’72 are pursuing a project they call “art as advocacy.” “Red Rock Stories,” a collection of works that includes a variety of stories, photographs, art, video, and audio concerning Utah’s public lands, is just one of the ways Larsen and Trimble hope to make a difference.

The project’s goal is to use “Red Rock Stories” to influence decision-makers to protect Bear Ears National Monument and other wilderness areas in southern Utah. “We believe in the power of story to move decision-makers and build empathy,” says Larsen. “By sharing the stories of three generations of writers, we hope to inspire the action needed to protect the red rock wilderness.”

The project came about in October 2015 following five southwestern Native nations’ proposal to establish a Bear Ears National Monument in southern Utah. Threats to the western wildlands have steadily increased over time, and as a result, a group of writers from Salt Lake City began to meet and discuss how they could advocate for the proposal. Taking inspiration from “Testimony: Writers of the West Speak on Behalf of Utah Wilderness,” which convinced legislators to defeat an anti-wilderness bill in 1995, members of the Red Rocks Project hope to make a difference through similar means.

“Red Rock Testimony,” the first part of the project, is a chapbook that was sent to the Obama administration to promote the idea of protecting public lands. “Red Rock Stories’ is an 88-page book that conveys the spiritual, cultural, and scientific values of Utah’s canyon country and includes the work of 34 writers. The stories are written by a variety of authors, and all advocate for the protection of the proposed Bear Ears National Monument. The group plans to publish a second trade book in 2017.

“We hope to build and support a community of folks who love the red rock wilderness and want to speak on its behalf,” says Larsen.

Larsen, who worked with CC’s State of the Rockies Project, now works for the Torrey House Press in Salt Lake City. Trimble is an award-winning writer who co-compiled “Testimony,” and is an editor for “Red Rock Stories.”

Currently, the project is focusing on sharing “Red Rock Stories” digitally, and is inviting members of the CC community to contribute their stories. Anyone can submit their stories about the red rocks following a series of creative prompts that are currently on their website.

Others who are interested in helping the project financially can contribute through their Kickstarter campaign.

Fellows Bring Student Perspective to Admission Process

By Joy Li ’18

With the Class of 2020 heading to campus in just a few weeks, the end of another admission cycle provides an opportunity to recognize an indispensible part of the process: CC admission fellows. They are a group of current students who are not only passionate about the college, but also have a thorough and insightful understanding of CC’s unique culture.

This summer, the admission fellows are working diligently to make a difference on campus by helping to recruit students for the Class of 2021. They participate in the admission process by conducting interviews with prospective students, leading information sessions and campus tours, organizing open houses, and compiling the new class profile, along with other duties supporting staff on projects within the Office of Admission.

“The admission fellows bring us a current perspective; they help us find out what we have to do in the admission process to best convey the current climate of CC to prospective students,” says Ryan Walsh, senior assistant director in the Office of Admission and director of the admission fellows program. He says that because the admission fellows are chosen as representatives of CC’s student body, they are from very different backgrounds, and participate in a variety of aspects of CC. They act as a bridge between the Office of Admission and current students, and show that students also play a role in connecting new students with the campus.

“The job of an admission fellow should be changing all the time depending on what we need on campus,” says admission fellow Michael Wu ’17, who is an international student from China. This year has brought changes to the role of admission fellow: the fellows’ interviewing methods have completely transformed, shifting from standard questions that focus on academics and extracurricular activities to questions about students’ perspectives on critical issues in the community. Admission fellow Maya Williamson ’17 indicated that the shift in interviewing format provides a more comprehensive understanding of what students will bring to CC. “We need to find students who are willing to take responsibility for themselves and the community,” says Williamson.

The high degree of professionalism required as an admission fellow also prepares the students for future career challenges. During the summer, they work regular business hours, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and are required to dress professionally at work. “You don’t get the internship feeling here. We’re not making copies of things. What we’re doing actually makes a difference,” says admission fellow Will Baird ’17.

Get to Know Jim Burke: Director of Summer Session

Jim Burke joined CC this summer as the new director of Summer Session, where he collaborates with faculty and staff to advance the college’s strategic goal of building a nationally recognized summer program. He’s jumped right in, creating the summer course offerings for CC undergraduates and visiting undergraduates, as well as for high school students in the pre-college program. We asked Burke a few questions, to help introduce him to the campus community:

How do you think your position will impact CC?

I look forward to working with our Summer Session team to assemble course offerings that will drive students to consider continuing their dynamic study over the summer, maintaining the vibrant campus experience throughout the year. For faculty, our hope is to support the development of new courses or create an opportunity to offer in-demand courses that fill up during the semester. For students, I think summer will provide a chance to catch up on degree requirements or pursue a new academic interest they may not have had the time to focus on during the traditional academic year.

Where did you work before CC and what where you doing?

I worked at my alma mater, The Catholic University of America, in Washington, D.C., as assistant director of admissions, developing recruitment plans and reviewing applications from the Mid-Atlantic region. Next, I moved across Washington, D.C. to Georgetown University’s Office of International Programs as the information manager to assess study abroad programs. And finally, before joining CC, I worked at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, the Office of Global Strategy, where I developed summer academic programs for the institution’s international partner universities and managed the opening and development of the university’s branch campus in Songdo, South Korea.

What do you bring to this job?

My experience across different institutions allows me to bring the best processes and strategies to the many stakeholders of the Office of Summer Session. Whether developing a new pre-college program that attracts students from underrepresented regions of the U.S., or proposing course offerings that support the interests of our faculty and students, my experience has given me the tools to actualize these and much more.

What are some personal or professional experiences you’ve had either at CC or outside of it that play into your current role?

Student and faculty support is a cornerstone of my experience and one I’ve already been pleased to see firsthand at CC. The entire Summer Session team has immense dedication to ensuring the highest quality academic programming for our students and faculty, and I’m excited to implement even more streamlined processes that further this support.

Who/what was the biggest influence on you?

Between my roles at Georgetown University and George Mason University, I worked for a start-up international education company based in Beijing, which was the most challenging work I’ve ever been a part of. This influenced me significantly because I experienced how consuming but rewarding it is to develop something from scratch. Since that experience, I’ve been fortunate to use the lessons learned from that start-up when I created international programs at GMU and worked with stakeholders across campus to implement new initiatives.

What have you noticed about CC?

The sense of community is such a central element at CC and I love how it infuses so much of the work. It’s energizing to work with people who are inclusive, collaborative, and invested in making positive strides for the college in hopes of bettering everyone’s experience.

Tell us a little about your background.

I almost always say I’m from Washington, D.C., which is true, since I grew up in the city and the surrounding suburbs, but I was born in County Waterford, Ireland, and am very close with my family that still live there and across the U.S. Growing up in a large family (six kids) that had to work through cultural transitions and developing an identity infused with elements of two distinct cultures, has provided me with what I feel is a unique perspective that allows me to consider multiple angles of a situation.

What do you like to do when not working?

I’m still in an “exploring Colorado phase” since I only moved here about a month ago. Aside from trying out all the local coffee shops and restaurants, many faculty and staff have given me great advice on the best running and hiking trails, favorite local breweries, and upcoming events to check out.

Wild card: What is something people don’t know about you?

When I was in college I studied abroad for two semesters, in Dublin, Ireland, and Fremantle, Australia. My time in Ireland was the study abroad experience all universities want their students to have, and I still have an annual reunion with the friends I made there. I think about this group every time I create a new program, because they remind me just how much impact a well-developed academic experience can have on a student’s life. Our 15-year reunion is next year, and I’m excited that the beautiful Colorado Springs will be the host city!

Have a favorite coffee spot or hiking spot to share? Or have a question about Summer Session? Contact Jim Burke on the second floor of Armstrong Hall or, (719) 389-6656.

A Summer Connecting with Our Sense of Place

By Devon Burnham ’16

This summer, Colorado College is hosting an array of free Sense of Place trips for its faculty and staff. They give participants the chance to be involved with activities that they normally would not have the opportunity to take part in, such as fly-fishing, climbing, and local hikes.

Led by Outdoor Education Director Ryan Hammes, the most recent Sense of Place trip took place over the course of two days. During the two-hour session on Wednesday, June 22, participants learned the fundamentals of fly-fishing, how fishing fits into Colorado’s tourism and local economy, and practiced some basics on campus. Those who signed up for part two, on Friday, drove up to the Catamount Center, in Woodland Park. There, they took a tour of the center, then put their newly acquired skills to the test in one of Catamount’s fishing ponds.

Hammes believes that the Sense of Place trips provide an opportunity to build a community. “It’s neat when you can bring all of these different backgrounds together,” says Hammes. “We don’t really talk about our work—we just talk about why it’s special to be here, and really enjoy each other’s company and connect.”

Molly Moran, visiting assistant professor and one of the nine faculty members who went on both trips, says she enjoyed learning more about the opportunities available to CC students, faculty, and staff at the Catamount Center. “The campus has so many wonderful opportunities, and these kinds of events help me to see what some of them are!”

The faculty and staff who went to the fly-fishing classes were excited to participate, saying that it was something they’ve wanted to do for some time. The trip itself was enough to inspire a future hobby for Karen West, academic records assistant in the Office of the Registrar. “I’d like to rent equipment, bring a friend, and try my luck fishing [at the Catamount Center],” West says. “He [Hammes] also mentioned I could find a local fly-fishing group at one of the fly-fishing shops, and I may try that too.”

No experience is necessary to sign up for Summer Sense of Place trips on Outdoor Education’s Summit page. Trips are free and gear is provided!

Upcoming trips:

– July 26, 2016 – Hike Red Rock Canyon Open Space
A 1-2 hour day hike to become more familiar with this wonderful open space park. 3 p.m.-5:30 p.m.

You can sign up for these trips via the Outdoor Education Summit page:

Farm Interns Growing Produce, Community Relations

By Joy Li ’18

Did you know that CC students grow much of the produce you eat in Rastall Café? Siqi Wei ’17, Kelsi Anderson ’18, Rebecca Glazer ’18, and Emma Brachtenbach ’17 are devoting their summer to managing the CC Student Farm, located behind the President’s House on Wood Avenue.
With guidance from Brachtenbach, a second-year intern, the four students together run the farm and the greenhouse, starting with planning, then planting, and finally harvest. They visit the farm in the mornings and evenings to weed and water the plants in the farm’s greenhouse and field plots. Most of the harvest is sold to campus food service provider Bon Appetit and becomes meals for CC students, faculty, and staff. The farm interns also participate in the downtown Colorado Springs farmers markets on Sundays and host community events such as a harvest banquet in September.

As college-age females, this team of interns challenges an older male stereotype of small farm farmers. They bring a variety of experience that not only involves the manual labor aspect of working a farm, but also scientific knowledge. For example, Wei is an environmental science major and tests the soil for pH levels and nitrogen phosphorus potassium (NPK) values, which indicate the wellness of the soil and the suitability for different plants.CC Student Farm

Sustainability is also a big focus at the CC Farm. According to Anderson, “the farm really shows how big a difference local food can make to the sustainable culture. It saves energy to transport food and protects the environment because it prevents large companies from outsourcing from big farms that use huge machines that can damage the ecological system.” Additionally, the farm participates in the local Slow Food chapter, which supports local food and small farms as a countermovement to the fast food culture. Glazer attended a Slow Food conference last fall and was inspired to join the farm. “It’s really important to have a place where people can be aware of where their food comes from and how much work goes into producing it,” she says.

The students’ work at the CC Farm also contributes to the connection between CC and the Colorado Springs community. Aside from attending the Sunday market and local Slow Food chapter meetings, the farm hosts events open to the broader community. Every Wednesday, the farm interns invite students and other members of the CC community and broader community to join them in fun activities at the farm, most recently, strawberry planting.

Brachtenbach believes the farm has the ability to repair and extend bridges into the community and build relationships that might otherwise be tense. “We can both connect and reconnect people to food and other people,” she says. “It should in no way be exclusive to students and hidden from the sight and helping hands of local community members.”



Travel Through Time on CC’s Historic Walking Tour

By Joy Li ’18

Looking for an excuse to explore campus this summer? Treat yourself to the CC Historic Walking Tour and take a trip through time, learning about the historic significance of your favorite CC buildings.

“It’s a chance to share the interesting histories associated with the heritage of our historic buildings,” says George Eckhardt, campus planner, who helped apply for state historical fund grants and gathered historic research on many of CC’s buildings.

Start the west-loop tour at the oldest building on campus, Cutler Hall, and admire its collegiate gothic style. Try to imagine Cutler being the only building on campus, housing all college functions. Behind the Worner Campus Center is Cossitt Hall, the “Rastall” for CC students until 1956, and then the gym until 1970. Famous choreographer Hanya Holm taught dance classes in Cossitt gym for 43 summers, beginning in 1941. Pass by Bemis, McGregor, and Montgomery, which served as the female dormitories in the early 1900s.

Then follow the tour to Ticknor Hall, which served as a military training base for radio operators during World War I. Next, proceed to Haskell House, formally known as Rice House, and where you can enjoy one of the best examples of Colonial Revival style in the city, designed in 1927 by Thomas Barber, co-designer of Colorado Springs City Hall. Finally, end the west-loop tour at 112-year-old Palmer Hall. This Romanesque Revival building stands in the center of campus and would’ve been replaced by a railway if the college and the City of Colorado Springs hadn’t strongly opposed the idea.

If you have only limited time, venture out on the east-loop tour, featuring Palmer Hall, Arthur, Jackson, and Lennox (Glass) Houses, Shove Memorial Chapel, and the Spencer Center.

Summer Tree Trimming and Removal

Keep an eye out for tree trimming and removal starting Monday, June 27, through the end of July. To protect healthy trees and prevent disease, crews will remove dead or dying trees. They will also be trimming trees in the central part of campus. Contact Josh Ortiz, landscape and grounds supervisor, with questions: Trees in the following locations will be removed:

  • Bemis Hall (southwest corner) – 1 Siberian elm
  • Ticknor Hall (north side) – 1 American elm
  • Boettcher Center (east side) – 1 silver maple
  • French House (northeast corner) – 1 Colorado blue spruce
  • Max Kade House (south side) – 1 silver maple
  • Breton Hall (northwest corner) – 1 Douglas fir
  • Slocum Hall (northwest side) – 1 ponderosa pine
  • Palmer Hall (south) – 1 crabapple
  • Armstrong Quad (north) – 1 American elm
  • Armstrong Quad (west) – 2 ponderosa pine
  • Armstrong Hall (east) – 1 Princess Kay plum
  • Slocum Hall (east) – 2 Englemann spruce
  • Jackson House (north) – 1 American elm
  • Jackson House (east) – 1 cottonwood
  • Interfaith House (south) – 1 silver maple
  • Autrey Field (southeast corner) – 1 Siberian elm
  • Stewart House (front doors) – 1 golden raintree
  • Stewart House (parkway) – 1 Norway maple
  • Pinetum – 1 juniper