Get to Know: Roy Jo Sartin, Fellowship Coordinator and Writing Center Specialist

She’s a listener, a matchmaker, and a former magazine writer. There are a few things that will likely surprise you as you get to know Roy Jo Sartin, who most recently added fellowships coordinator to her previous role as Writing Center specialist.

What do your positions entail?
Half-time, I am the Writing Center specialist, and I work with students on high-stakes writing projects like theses and applications; I also teach writing-related workshops and adjuncts, such as a grant writing adjunct this fall. This past year, I became the half-time fellowships coordinator. My goal in that position is to help connect students with advisors and resources related to the different fellowships, scholarships, and grants that are available to them. I also offer feedback to the students on their applications for fellowships and grants. To get started, I took inspiration from President Tiefenthaler and did a year of listening: I tried to understand what the current process looked like, what advisors are doing, what they want to be able to do, what students’ experiences look like, and how it could work better for them. This summer I’m developing some robust outreach and support programs for next year.

How do you think your new position as fellowships coordinator will impact CC?
I think my position is going to provide a 35,000-foot view of the process. There are amazing advisors for all of these opportunities, and there are terrific students that fit these opportunities. But if they don’t connect with each other, students might graduate not knowing they could’ve pursued certain opportunities. So I’m hoping that I, in this position, can help connect and support those advisors and students. I’ve done a little bit of that in the first year, so I’m hoping to step it up next year and develop some specific processes to make those connections easier.

What do you bring to this job?
I think that my background as a consultant in writing centers and as a magazine writer is very useful in two ways: writing and listening. A major component of any fellowship application is the essay, so I can provide support and feedback to the writer. The other thing is that journalists and writing center consultants are trained as listeners and interviewers. Because of that, I can listen to the goals and needs of students and advisors, and then think about how to get there.

Where and what was your work before CC?
I worked in magazines as a writer and editor for several years. Then I taught history in K-12 and at the university level. I have also worked in writing centers at the University of Colorado-Colorado Springs and at Colorado State University-Pueblo.

What are some personal or professional experiences you’ve had, either at CC or outside of CC, that play into your current role?
Let me tell you a story. At the first magazine I worked for, the editor wanted to create a new section of the magazine with short stories told in a whimsical way. This was not a humorous magazine at all. It was a western lifestyle magazine with event coverage, personality profiles, and how-to articles. It was very helpful, but not funny. My editor wanted to add this whimsical section to reach a younger demographic of readers. What was interesting was that it was a huge hit, but not just with younger readers. Other readers, especially retirees, started sending in story ideas for the section. It showed us that, in communication, it is very important to think both about your goals and about the desires of all members of your audience. This applies to fellowships and grant writing, to make a connection between desires and expectations from the sending and receiving ends.

Who/what has had the biggest influence on you?
First, my mother has the ability to talk to anyone whether she knows them or not. I try to emulate that. She has a way of putting people at ease and to meeting people where they are and having a conversation. Second, my first editor taught me that there’s more than one way to tell the same story. She read the first article I wrote for her, called me into her office, and circled two paragraphs of the article. She said, “This is awesome. Get rid of everything else and retell the story from the perspective of these two paragraphs.” It blew my mind that changing the perspective could change the takeaway message of a story. The last one would be my supervisor at the Writing Center at UCCS, who taught to me ask questions to help others work their way to their own realizations. This is really key to supporting fellowship applicants, because the process can be so transformative for students in discovering connections between their education, motivations, and desires for the future.

What have you noticed about CC?
It feels like people have genuine connections with each other in this community, connections that go beyond the classroom or just one meeting. Every connection that is made here is real and gets strengthened over time. That’s something really interesting about CC because I’ve witnessed that at other schools but only in much smaller contexts within the school. Here at CC, the whole community feels like a cohesive unit, where you keep making connections with different people and the connections strengthen the whole community.

Tell us a little it about your background?
I grew up in Texas and am named after my grandfather. I received a bachelor of arts in history from Texas Tech University, then worked for several years as a magazine journalist and as a wedding photographer. I started in writing center work during graduate studies for my master’s degree in history at UCCS.

What do you like to do when you’re not working?
I like to read, watch movies, ride bikes, and travel.

Wild Card: What is something people don’t know about you?
I got married at a 14th century castle in Scotland. Scotland is one of the few places in Europe where you can get married without a residence permit. Its most famous wedding location is Gretna Green, which has attracted couples from England, like Lydia Bennet and the despicable Wickham in Jane Austen’s “Pride & Prejudice,” for centuries.

Eric Stover ’74 Pursues War Criminals in “Hiding in Plain Sight”

By Joy Li ’18

Eric Stover ’74, faculty director at the Human Rights Center of the University of California Berkeley School of Law, recently published “Hiding in Plain Sight” with two of his Ph. D. mentees, Victor Peskin and Alexa Koenig. “Hiding In Plain Sight” discusses the flights of war criminals throughout modern history and the range of diplomatic and military strategies to capture them. It starts with the stories of the post-war escapes of Nazis such as Josef Mengele, the Auschwitz physician who was known as the “Angel of Death” and Adolf Eichmann, the infamous initiator of the “final solution” and ends with today’s high-level suspects like al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.

Stover says he first gained interest in perpetrators of wartime atrocities when he held the bones of Josef Mengele in Sao Paulo, Brazil. “Standing there looking at the skeleton, I thought, ‘How could it be that this war criminal, who fled Auschwitz in 1945, could end up here on the other side of the earth? And what about all the other Nazis who were walking free in Latin America, where were they and why hadn’t they been caught?’” He continued his investigations of wartime leaders who escaped, successfully or unsuccessfully. Six years after, he co-authored and published “Hiding in Plain Sight,” which is also the companion book of the PBS documentary that he co-produced, “Dead Reckoning: Postwar Justice from World War II to The War on Terror,” which is scheduled to air in December. Additionally, his book and the work Stover did in Bosnia was recently featured by Christiane Amanpour on CCN.

As the author of over seven books, when asked to provide writing insight for CC students and faculty, Stover said: “Writing has no magic, it is simply inspiration, diligence, and many lonely hours of solitude as you rewrite and rewrite your copy first for yourself, then your readers, and finally to add a good dollop of spit and polish. And, of course, don’t forget to always check your sources and remember the advice of the Cornish writer and author of “On the Art of Writing,” Arthur Quiller-Couch: ‘In writing, you must kill your darlings.’ Then go for a hike in the Garden of the Gods.”

Cool Science Creates CC Connection to the Community

By Joy Li ’18

Rockets, slime, telescopes, and engineering workshops were just a few of the things getting kids excited about science at the 2016 Big Cool Science Festival. This spring, more than 3,000 community members from Colorado Springs and the greater Front Range visited to the CC campus for the event, co-organized by the nonprofit organization Cool Science and CC’s Cool Science Club. The carnival-style experience was designed to help children gain interest in science by presenting a variety of scientific exhibitions and experiments.

The Cheyenne Mountain Zoo brought in plants, animals, insects, and fungus for a hands-on exhibit about wildlife in Colorado; young scientists explored the “micro world” with help from CC biology students; and presentations from the archeology, architectural, and aerospace sectors were just a few of dozens of on-site opportunities for festival participants.

The 2016 event was the largest in the past five years both in number of participants and in donations; $24,000 was raised to cover the cost of the festival.

Big Cool Science FestivalCC’s Cool Science Club provided 70 student volunteers, who helped to organize and facilitate the
daylong event. The volunteers did everything from managing the booths to interacting with the participants to facilitating workshops and tours. Mark Straub, director of the Cool Science organization, says it’s great to work with CC students. “They do such a wonderful job managing this huge event,” he says.
The collaboration between CC students and the local nonprofit was established well before this year’s festival. The purpose of the Cool Science Club at CC is to work with the Cool Science organization to mentor at-risk elementary and middle school students, and help them develop an interest in science. CC students visit local schools monthly and facilitate science experiments. Stephanie Bui ’17, a leader of the CC Cool Science Club, says she gains a lot from the school visits. “It’s really heartwarming to know that kids are enjoying science and understand that science is not this formidable subject,” she says.

And the relationships the students begin in the classroom carry into the annual festival hosted on the CC campus. “It is a good liaison between the Colorado Springs community and CC,” says Bui of the festival, “especially for the marginalized students. We want them to experience what it’s like to be in college.” The festival not only strengthens the connection between CC and communities all over Colorado, it also provides the opportunity for CC students to volunteer and make connections with organizations throughout the community.

Global Scholars Talk Innovation, India, and Hope for the Future

From innovation policy, to green technology, to social sustainability, scholars from across the globe have convened at CC as Dan Johnson, associate professor of economics and business, hosts “Innovation and Sustainability: Lessons from the History of India and Hopes for the Future” on campus this week. Sessions are June 9 and 10 and many are open to the public and the CC community: view the full program.

IndiaLICS ProgramThis multidisciplinary celebration of international scholarship about India brought scholars from India and around the world to CC to join in a conversation to further the regional initiative, IndiaLICS (Learning, Innovation, and Competence-building System), which aims to connect scholars who use the concepts of learning, innovation, and competence-building systems as their analytical framework.

The conference is already building community, both on the international and the local levels. Jay Patel has lived in Colorado Springs for 38 years and is a leader in the Indian community here, which he says has grown over the years. After hearing about Johnson’s proposal for hosting IndiaLICS at CC, and opportunities for the exchange of ideas, best practices, and innovations it would offer, Patel and the Colorado Springs Indian community jumped in to help fund it. The Colorado Springs South Asian Community puts on an annual Diwali event, celebrating the rich cultural heritage of India with festivities similar to Christmas in the U.S., to raise money each year for a local charity or nonprofit. This year, the event’s net proceeds helped fund the IndiaLICS academic conference.

Patel says he’s excited about the energy and ideas the conference brings to CC and Colorado Springs. “The world is not a small place anymore and ideas move quickly,” says Patel. “Who knows what ideas and innovations will be sparked here? This could really be putting [CC and Colorado Springs] at the forefront.”

Lakhwinder Singh, professor of economics at Punjabi University in India, is participating in the conference. He says his core teaching and research interest lies in the areas of innovations and development, and the theme of this conference coincides with his personal research work as well as the research work in progress at the Centre for Development Economics and Innovation Studies, of which he is a founding coordinator.

Singh says that with economists and other social scientists participating and presenting their work, the conference provides an opportunity for interaction with experts in the areas of innovation and development. “Hearing from them will allow me to better understand where public policy interventions in India are required,” he says. “The idea of collaborative research is to build capacity and identify gaps so that in the future, suitable public policy can be designed to meet the challenges that act as stumbling blocks in achieving India’s long-term sustainable economic development.”

One of the challenges Singh hopes to address is in India’s private industrial sector. “India’s national innovation system has some very big achievements, such as space technologies and pharmaceuticals,” Singh says, “but manufacturing and agriculture innovations lag behind, which is a big contributor to the poverty that persists in India.”

Singh adds that conferences, like IndiaLICS, help to begin collaborative efforts that can make a big impact. “There is an ample scope for collaboration across manufacturing and agriculture sectors where India direly needs new innovations, including various science and technology institutions and also with manufacturing firms and national governing organizations.” Representatives from those various sectors are convening on campus now and most sessions are free and open to the CC community and general public.

Patel says he’s hopeful many members of the local Indian community are in attendance; he plans to be. “I’d like to meet some of the intelligent people coming out and get a sense of what’s going on in India,” says Patel. “Much of that information-sharing could potentially affect Indians living here in Colorado Springs, many of whom have families and homes in India. By sharing ideas, putting something on the table, getting new thoughts, that really triggers innovation in its best form. So this will be terrific.”

Hayley Bates ’18 Rides into Cycling Spotlight

While many CC students wrapped up final papers and projects at the end of Block 8, Hayley Bates ’18 was not only managing her academic course load, but she was also preparing—physically and mentally—for her steepest competition of the season: representing the CC Cycling team at the USA Cycling Collegiate Road National Championships.

Bates says she was pleased with her 14th-place finish in the national field May 13-15 in North Carolina. She finished second just a few weeks before in the regional championship, and says despite illness and some crashes in front of her on the race course, she’s happy with the experience.

“It was a bigger field with a lot of really experienced racers,” says Bates of the national competition. “I’m only 19, so one of the younger ones. I’ve still got plenty of time and plenty of chances. There’s a lot of learning in racing, especially when you get to a higher level; it’s more strategy.”

Bates is a double major in international political economy and romance languages, with aspirations to go on to law school to study international law. She’s from Long Beach, California, and has family in Colorado. She grew up visiting the state, skiing and mountain biking in the high country. Both her parents are accomplished cyclists, too. Bates says she was exposed to the sport at a young age, and they’ll have the chance to ride together this summer.

But even with summer’s arrival, Bates gets little in the way of an off-season. For the first time, she has a coach and they’re now working to target races for the coming year. She’ll compete in some non-collegiate races during the summer, working on moving up from “Category 1” to the “Pro” classification. “I love it enough to do what it takes if I have what it takes,” she says of what motivates her to keep training and racing year round. “But, I’m ready to go home to California and ride with my friends there and my parents.”

Bates will be back in Colorado in August, racing the Leadville 100-mile mountain bike race, her second time taking on the grueling, highly competitive course. “This year I’m focused on what time I can get,” she says. “As for an ultimate goal, for cycling, I’m working my way through the rankings, focusing on improving, and racing collegiately. Right now, I’m just trying to see where my momentum takes me.”

It’s not just momentum, but dedication and talent that are carrying Bates in such a challenging and competitive sport. Like many student-athletes, she has to stay on top of her coursework while traveling and competing, and communicates often with professors about expectations and scheduling.

“When I came into school this year, I spent the first weekend on campus, and didn’t spend another weekend on campus until Halloween weekend,” Bates says of the challenging schedule. “It’s a lot of communication with teachers; in between races our team members are studying as opposed to hanging out. During the week, I’m up super early in the morning to fit in training, racing, school, and work.”

But unlike many other student-athletes, Bates is also coordinating the logistical details of her team’s competitions. CC’s cycling team is small: six racers in each discipline (mountain and road) competing regularly. Bates, currently one of the youngest on the team, is the manager. “I’m the driver, the hotel-booker, I get them there, get a place to stay, manage all of that,” she says. “We needed someone who wanted to race and who wanted to organize, so I just decided to make it happen.”

Not only did Bates make it happen, she stormed onto the scene her sophomore year, racing at the front of the pack in nearly every competition. She placed in the top ten at the mountain biking nationals, and took second in the road conference championships. The cycling team travels all over the state for six weeks each season: March-May is road cycling, September-October is mountain biking. Bates says she’ll also incorporate the cyclo-cross season into her racing plan, which she’ll pick up from about November-January. Bates says fortunately, her house on campus has a basement.

“In January and February, I hook up the bike to the indoor trainer, and train in the basement at 6 a.m. So far, no one has complained about any noise that early. I do a lot of training in the mornings; if class and work allow, I’ll ride outside. But, it’s a lot of (indoor) trainer time, you’re that much stronger when you get outside, getting yourself to where you need to be.”

Bates will be back for mountain biking season in the fall, so keep an eye out for opportunities to cheer on her, and the rest of CC’s cycling team when the 2016-17 academic year begins.



CC Women’s Rugby Second in the Nation

CC Women's Rugby

By Montana Bass ’18

After their first season in the National Small College Rugby Organization Women’s 7s League, CC’s women’s rugby team took home second place in the national championship held in Charlotte, North Carolina, April 30-May 1.

This season marked the first time that CC women’s rugby has qualified for a national tournament. In past years, the team played in the 15s league, with 15 players on the field at one time instead of seven, and had made it to the playoffs. After switching to the 7s format, throwing themselves into their sport, and fostering a tight-knit team dynamic, the players have seen amazing success.

Both coach Michael Windle and the student-athletes say the close relationships they share have been important contributors to their achievements. “Our team is really like a family; they’re super close,” Windle says. “I had to pick 12 players to go to the championships. Every single girl was supportive of her teammates. They were happy for each other to go just as much as they would have been themselves.” Rachel Fitch ’19 agrees wholeheartedly, “The team itself is a fabulous bunch of human beings and we all have great chemistry.”

Still, these women didn’t make it to the national championship solely on heart; they’re an extremely talented group of athletes. “We’ve got a whole lot of athleticism,” says Windle. “We’re incredibly fast.” Fitch was a nationally ranked all-star rugby player in high school. Windle also mentions Naya Herman ’16 and Emilia Delgado ’17 as integral team members. “Naya is and always has been the heart of the team,” he says. “Emilia has taken to the sport like no one I’ve ever seen. She’s a hard runner and has a nose for the goal. She goes for it right away and is our lead scorer.”

Beyond talent and love for one another, this team has one other thing in common: a fierce love for the sport of rugby. Fitch claims rugby will always have a place in her heart and referred to it as, “an artistic form of violence.” Herman concurs, crediting the sport’s ferocity for fostering such close relationships between teammates. “Rugby is one of the most physically and mentally demanding sports out there, and it requires a special type of courage and strength that women, and anybody really, are rarely encouraged to have. It demands that you show up for your teammates fully.”

In the post-season, the team won five matches out of six over two days and Nora Holmes ’18 was selected to the elite All-Tournament team

Following such a fantastic season, the women can end the year with a deep sense of fulfillment and excitement for the future. “I’m incredibly proud of these girls,” says Windle. Herman, a graduating senior adds, “I can’t wait to see where the future leaders of CC rugby take the team next.” Be sure to keep an eye out for them in the future!

Let’s Talk About “Relations”

Students perform "Relations"
Students perform in the 2013 rendition of “Relations.” The 2016 performance opens Thursday, April 28.

By Montana Bass ’18

It’s that time of year, when the campus community fills Taylor Theatre for one of CC’s most popular performance events: “Relations,” a show that brings the sex lives of students to the stage.

Through online surveys, word of mouth, and written submissions, the show’s directors create a script that facilitates a conversation surrounding the intimacies of students’ experiences with sex, sexuality, and relationships. Nia Abram ’17, one of the directors, says this year’s show will specifically focus on intersectionality and how it plays out in sexual, emotional, and intimate encounters.

“This year the cast is much more diverse, with different racial and queer identities. We talk about issues of social justice and how that relates to our identities as sexual and intimate beings,” says Abram. Involving such a diverse group of cast members can also be an intimidating part of the process. Much of “Relations’” significance comes from an ability to show the CC sex scene from all angles, and preparation requires complete openness among cast members. Luckily, Abram says she is ready to rise to the challenge. “I am responsible for cultivating a safe and comfortable environment,” she notes, “As a director I have to mitigate a lot of differences in knowledge bases because not everyone was completely on the same page about these concepts.”

Thanks to the directors’ dedication to fostering this environment, actors have been able to commit themselves to their characters and their scenes, and ultimately learn deeply about themselves and their sexualities. “I auditioned because during the show last year, I was pulled into the experience,” says Christian Wulff ’17, a 2016 cast member. “A part of me realized that participating in “Relations” would be different than anything else I’ve ever been a part of, and I was right. This experience helps individuals create an openness with each other as a group.”

It is precisely the uniqueness of the group dynamic that enables “Relations” to make such a deep impact on audiences as well as on cast members. Katie Larsen ’18, who saw the show last year as a first-year student, can’t wait to attend again. “I think the best part is that it makes you feel so many emotions. I was crying one minute and laughing the next,” she says, “The way the story line is presented creates an opportunity to explore themes that are so incredibly central to our lives.”

If you’re looking for provocation to explore your identity and relationships, sexually and otherwise, attend “Relations.” Tickets are now available at Worner Campus Center and shows run Friday, April 29, and Saturday, April 30, at 7 p.m. and Sunday, May 1, at 2 p.m. in Taylor Theatre.

Alec Sarche ’17 Pushes the Limits of Experiential Art with Audio Dramas

By Montana Bass ’18

In a mix of creativity and innovation, Alec Sarche ’17 has reinvented the theatre experience with his audio dramas. Inspired by post-modern designers who weight their work more to the audience’s experience than actors’ performances, Sarche created a situation in which the audience becomes the actor, participating in his theatre themselves, all without their sense of sight.

Sarche says he was inspired to create an environment where the audience could witness and interact with art. “Art is becoming more and more ‘make of it what you will,’ or ‘it’s your thing not ours;’ I wanted to take that as far as I could and make something completely designed by my audience,” Sarche says of his original idea to create the audio drama. He decided to take away sight and designed a soundscape that would guide witnesses, a term he ironically coined to describe the participants in his theatre. While witnesses listen to the soundscape, blindfolded, Sarche and his facilitators move physical objects with which the witnesses interact at specific moments dictated by Sarche and his soundscape.

His first audio theatre, “Shore and Woods,” led witnesses towards a fan with the sound of ocean waves playing in their ears. As they moved through the room, Sarche brushed them with branches. The branches acted as an axis prop, the object Sarche uses as the center of his drama. “I tend to write these based around the tactile experience,” he says. “I think about what would be interesting to touch without seeing. If you touch a tree and feel bark and branches, can you picture it?”

The answer turned out to be a resounding “yes,” as witnesses reported seeing vivid scenes in their mind’s eye. “They came up with this incredible rich environment in their heads,” Sarche explains. Even more interesting: the vast difference in the scenes witnesses described, exemplifying the variety of ways their minds interacted with Sarche’s invented world. “Even though you know the script,” says Tinka Avramova ’17, who worked as a facilitator on Sarche’s set, “it changes every time because each new person relates to the directions differently. There is such a rush when something goes right, when someone lets out a laugh or smile. There is this whole world that I get to see as the operator, but somehow I can’t help but feel that the blindfolded audience is actually seeing even more in their imagination.”

During Block 7, Sarche’s final audio drama of the year, “New Season,” pushed the possibilities of this new approach to theatre even further by including two witnesses who move their way through two different, intertwined audiotracks simultaneously. “One track was more optimistic, the other more pessimistic,” says Sarche. “They thought they had the same experience while they listen to the soundscape, but then when talking together, they realized they had this completely different idea of what they thought was the same thing.”

The differing impressions of the two witnesses highlight the powerful psychological results of Sarche’s work. Just as these witnesses were awakened to the misguidedness of their assumption that the other participant would finish with the same perceptions, so future audio dramas can be used to awaken witnesses’ abilities to recognize others’ viewpoints. “I think it could be a really effective tool in social justice,” says Sarche. He plans to gear his next work towards experimenting with that concept. Look out for his thesis, coming out Block 1 next fall.

Better Understand Your Irrational Behavior with Professor Thaler

Monica Black ’19

Humans are attached to their stuff.

This is the idea behind behavioral economics, a blossoming field in finance. The typical neoclassical, traditional economic vision of the human psyche is that it is rational and wants to maximize profits, but behavioral economics, which only came into vogue in the 1970s, takes into consideration the innate irrationality of humans when it comes to economic decision-making. The psychology of the consumer can affect the market.

On Wednesday, April 27, Richard Thaler , professor of economics at the University of Chicago will be giving a talk titled “Misbehaving: The Making of Behavioral Economics.”

Thaler is considered one of the fathers of behavioral economics, a young field.

Mark Smith, CC professor of economics, was instrumental in bringing Thaler to campus. Smith says, “I wanted to bring him to campus because behavioral economics is one of the most exciting trends in economics today.”

Two of Thaler’s books, “Misbehaving: The Making of Behavioral Economics” (2015) and “Nudge: Improving Decisions about Wealth, Health, and Happiness” (2009), lay out his theory and practical applications for the thinking consumer. “I have used both books as required supplemental readings in my microeconomics courses to expose my students to behavioral economics,” says Smith.

Though many students may be put off by the seemingly niche title, behavioral economics’ daily applications are manifold. In “Nudge,” Thaler and co-author Cass Sunstein detail ways that an understanding of behavioral economics can help people save money, encourage contributions to charity, and take care of their health. It also allows us to understand why we are so shortsighted when it comes to impactful economic decisions, and how to rewire that tendency.

“[Thaler] should be interesting to anyone who is interested in economics, public policy, psychology, judgment and decision-making, and simply how people think,” says Smith, who specializes in environmental economy and is interested in the policy implications of Thaler’s work. “He will be a provocative speaker. I think people will enjoy his stories.”

Hear from Thaler Wednesday, April 27, at 7:30 p.m. in Celeste Theatre.

CC Grad Receives National Attention for Investigative Feature

By Montana Bass ’18

Tay Wiles ’08 recently got her big break in a journalism career, sparked here at CC, with a feature-length story in High Country News, where she is an editor.

“I was a winter start,” Wiles says of her introduction to both CC and the start of her journalistic career came during her first year at CC when, “I saw a copy of the Cipher. I remember thinking immediately, ‘I want to work for that.’” And that’s exactly what she did. Wiles went on to become editor-in-chief of the Cipher during her senior year, preparation for her later success. That year, the team received a grant and Wiles was able to help transform the magazine from an extremely radical publication to the more balanced, literary reportage it provides today. “I love that in college publications, there’s a lot of turn over. It makes it difficult, but it also makes for a huge range of alumni who feel invested in it,” says Wiles.

She also worked in both the news and music departments at KRCC during her time as a student. Jeff Bieri, KRCC program manager, hired Wiles as his assistant when he worked as music director. He says she “was absolutely eating up the experience of learning here at CC, getting involved in every opportunity that came her way to gain experience.”

A recent feature for HCN, “Sugar Pine Mine: The Other Standoff,” was Wiles’ first feature since her years at CC, the first in her professional career, and it has received national recognition. The publication of the story aligned fortuitously with national media attention to developments in the conflict. HCN capitalized on the spike in national interest, posting new updates and teasers from Wiles’ feature on the website in the days leading up to its release. “It sort of dovetailed,” says Wiles. “It was really exciting to me because I felt that all the work I’d been doing over the previous year really came to fruition.”

Prior to HCN, she earned a degree in religion with a journalism minor from CC. “A lot of why I was interested in religion was that I really like to try to understand how people perceive their world, how they understand the forces that put them where they are, and how they fit into society,” she explains. Her intense curiosity translated well into her work in investigative environmental journalism with HCN.

The year after she graduated, Wiles completed a fellowship with Mother Jones magazine in San Francisco, which she credits for her precise editing skills. “They really go after environmental justice — hard. I was always fact-checking, meeting with editors, making sure that stories were air-tight so we wouldn’t come under fire.”

The “Sugar Pine Mine” story was a part of the “Sagebrush Rebellion” issue, and drew on those skills. Wiles expertly reports the story of a mining dispute between the radical Oath Keepers and federal government in Josephine County, Oregon, which caused a standoff that threatened to erupt into an armed battle.

Wiles continues to prove herself as an excellent journalist by landing the editing position at HCN, a publication she cares for deeply, just over five years after completing her fellowship. “I love that it’s a small, tight-knit team,” she says of working at HCN, “We really try to pick ideas that mean something to people. We get people calling who say ‘Hey I’m calling from Idaho. This is what’s going on for me,’ and if it’s good we’ll write it.”
