Dances, plays, musicals, books, etc all have one thing in common: usage of historical background. For example, Night Journey by Martha Graham is viewed by the History of Performance class to be full of historical background. The performance is based off of the greek tale Oedipus. In this tale, Jocasta, the main character of Night …
Beauty and the Beast and Giselle
The History of Performance class is not just about plays and dances; the class is also about societal norms. During the class, we traveled to a topic that one would not expect: societal views on women. These views were seen through the movies and dances of the media. During the second week of class, our …
New Mexico, Baby!
The whole class at the El Rancho de las Golondrinas Hello All, So I'm here sitting in at Starbucks in Fort Collins, CO, still in slight disbelief that the first week of the block is already over. On Monday, after block break, we met as a class to get back our research papers and midterms, talk about …
Block Break!
Hey y'all! - Just got back from a fantastic block break in the Maroon Bells in Aspen, CO! My backpacking buds and I by Crater Lake in Aspen, Colorado. During the fourth and final week [well, really more half of a week] of the block we finished talking about the mining industry in Colorado. We had a …
The Fighting Class
On Monday, September 16, 2012, the History of Performance class had another workshop. This workshop gave the class a chance to experience pretend fighting. When we arrived at Cossitt Gym, located in Cossitt Hall, our instructor had us do warm- up movements; we did normal exercise. After the warm-up, we were instructed to form groups …
The Dance Class
Last week on Thursday, September 13, 2012, the History of Performance class went to Cossitt Hall for a dance workshop. This experience was quite surprising. Once we arrived at the class, we were given a mini lecture on ballet by the dance instructor. She informs us that ballet consists of strict rules. Later, we did …
A Walk Downtown and a Whole Lot of Texas.
The Colorado Springs Pioneer Museum This last week and a half has been so jammed packed, I don’t even know where to begin! So like Santiago recommended we do for our papers, I will write an outline than elaborate on each event that took place. I. Ranching in Texas: We read several fascinating excerpts about …
Continue reading "A Walk Downtown and a Whole Lot of Texas."
A Journey to the Library
Today in class we took a field trip. However, this journey was not miles away but rather just to the next building over: the Tutt Library. After a quick lecture about the Spanish colonization northward out of Mexico to the American Southwest, where Santiago talked to us about Missions, [churches used mainly to convert Natives to Christianity] in the New World …
A Mixed Mexico.
This block, I think I am saving my parents a lot of money. Instead of heading over to Rastalls, our dining hall, for breakfast, I walk across the quad straight to my classroom. Why, you might ask, well because in the reception area of the Southwest Studies house is a table with an almost unlimited …
Aztecs, Pueblos, Cliff Dwellings, Oh My!
The Southwest studies house is located a few feet away from the Tutt Library, tucked away in the northern corner of campus. Surrounded by a full garden of what I can only assume are plants native to the southwest, the small white stucco building is where I will be spending the next six weeks in my …